Trying to Save Someone Fail | Phasmophobia #shorts

My friends and I went to Bleasdale to play with some tarot cards. I figured I could get some interactions with the DOTS or the ghost writing book – only we also decided to do this on Nightmare Mode. So the very first Death card that was drawn lead to a VERY lengthy hunt as the ghost managed to plow through my two teammates during a cursed hunt on NM mode. By the time the hunt was over and I discovered that both teammates had died and not just the one, I figured I’d use the tarot cards to revive a teammate – hopefully. But not wanting to miss out on the DOTS evidence, I got closer to it while drawing the cards… which also put me closer to the ghost. Not my best moment for sure. But the moment I heard it follow me down the stairs, I knew I was in trouble. Trying not to draw the ghost to me with my flashlight, I turned it off and fumbled around in the dark… meanwhile the ghost is hot on my tail. And well… finally acceptance. I knew I couldn’t get away.

So in my attempt and saving a teammate, I too died. Oops.

Remember, gaming should be fun!

#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame


4 thoughts on “Trying to Save Someone Fail | Phasmophobia #shorts”

  1. Long story with Tarot cards – One time my friend was dead, and I drew death. I got to a good hiding spot and proceeded to draw more cards not know they are all fools during hunts. I got the high priestess which turned to a fool during the hunt, I thought it was just a fool troll until my friend gave me an earful about it on discord, explaining to me that it would’ve been a real high priestess but since I drew it during a hunt it changed, I hated myself the rest of the day.


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