Tuesday Phasmophobia with Impulsesv and Grian

Tuesday Phasmophobia with Impulsesv and Grian
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/skizzleman
Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman
Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz
Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast


19 thoughts on “Tuesday Phasmophobia with Impulsesv and Grian”

  1. Don't worry Skizz, my Christmas decorations are still up too, and for good reason! My family is (nominally, none of us actually practice anymore) Catholic, and traditionally we take down our Christmas decorations on the 6th of Jan, because that's the Epiphany, the 12th day of Christmas, when the three wise men finally arrived to behold Jesus Christ. We even have a little nativity where in the lead up to Christmas day we move Mary, Joseph, and the donkey around until they get to the inn, and then after the star shines overhead heralding his birth we move the three wise men around, following the star to find him on the 6th. So yeah, technically, the 6th of January is the last day of Christmas, and when the decorations should come down, so don't feel bad at all!

  2. 53:37 Hello, I am the long distance girlfriend! Tayrim told me about this and showed me the clip and I couldn’t stop laughing. This whole interaction was so wholesome and funny and sorry for any panic! I already know about the proposal and am beyond excited!

    Also he is loving Hollowknight so far and I am too being only a few hours of gameplay ahead of him.

    Another fun Phasmo video guys, always look forward to the VODS!

  3. I usually get my daily dose of Skizz through Impulse's streams but they really don't give him justice! Every single line is delivered perfectly and im so glad that i finally started watching Skizz's stream replays

  4. 2:13:55 You can still get the ghost photo after the book is full. I was playing yesterday and did so. You may have just gotten unlucky with timing and the ghost blinked, because that happens a lot!!

    Thanks for another fun upload <3 I can never catch you guys live but I love watching you play phasmo
    I hope your holidays were wonderful!

  5. As a Puerto Rican, we keep up our Christmas stuff for a while longer. I'll be keeping mines up until this weekend as we celebrate 3 kings day 😊 (not particularly religious ourselves it's just traditional on our part by now lol same as Christmas teehee)

  6. Aww I loved Mr. Wizard! They just don't make TV the same these days.
    Gotta say I still am so excited every time I see a phasmo video up. Glad you guys are still enjoying it and improving your craft!

  7. Hey Skizz. Dont worry I havent taken down my Christmas stuff either. I agree with your wife about Impulse taking down his decorations so soon 😅.
    I'm of the opinion that Christmas decor should stay up for at least the second week of the New Year.


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