Do you ever ask your ghost questions that you know it can’t possible answer? One of my favorites is to ask the spirit box, “Are you a cheeto?” It actually recognized it and responds. My guess is because the “are you” was enough to elicit a response. But what about those times you aren’t asking the spirit box? What if you just want to know if the ghost will be so kind to whip you up some dinner? Leave your out of the norm questions in the comments. I want to know what you ask your ghosts!
I hope you enjoy this clip from my Phasmophobia funny moments.
#shorts #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame
My favorite color is "adult".
happy new year
(i guess ur following american time since for me you're uploading at 5:16 am swedish time) so yah, but happy new year again 😀
This is completely unrelated but happy new years people!!!🥳I hope your night is well, whoever's reading this
Fyi Voices Recognition doesn't work on Win 7 so sometimes there's random answer to your question sometimes not answer anything. But that was a nice timing
Happy new year! Btw what ghost is this?
When you and your wife is lazy be like
Ghost: *cooks *
The group: what the hell was that!
I enjoy using the color "responsibility".
What game is this?
I think he said yellow