This might be a tad hard for some of you. But this ghost gave itself away twice in this one clip. I knew what it was before it even hunted the first time. But do you know what it is? Did you notice both hints? Would you have guessed this ghost?
For those of you who read this (not many), let’s start with those crucifixes. They are the key to the whole thing here. The first one burns but I don’t know where the ghost is just yet so that doesn’t instantly give it away. But the second burn certainly does. This is because it’s only just been 20 seconds since the first crucifix burned. Only one ghost can burn crucifixes this quickly. But near the end of the video, I hear the ghost and it’s clear it isn’t haunting the picnic tables. This ghost is hunting the campfire. That should be well out of range of the crucifix – unless of course it’s a demon which is effected by the crucifix for a greater distance. If you spotted both – pat yourself on the back!
Remember, gaming should be fun!
#phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #shorts #phasmophobiaclips #phasmo
Demon, i guess
Demonologist is better than phas
Wow, not often we get a demon in these clips. It took me a couple of plays through the video before I picked up on it, but the crucifixes burn about 21-22 seconds apart, which is too fast for any other type of ghost… except a mimic, I suppose.
wouldn't this be a wraith? it passes through motion sensor and doesn't step on salt
Demon or Mimic
Solo run?
I was thinking demon. It seemed rather fast to burn the crucifix but it didn’t step in the salt and passed by the motion censor. So it’s a wraith. Or a mimic mimicking a demon hunt and a wraith. 🤔🤔🤔
I’m not sure on the exact details of a mimic and how if there’s a CD on using ghost abilities of different types. I know it can only hunt as one ghost type tho.
Wait did your camera trigger the sound censor? If that’s true. Then a demon.
Idk…does it switch from demon to wraith?
Wait what ? There were clues in there ? I didn't get them at all. Just the ghost trying to attack and getting stopped. Some may say demon because of the quick hunt attempts but I've seen a lot of other ghosts do that as well so I'm not sure if it should be a clue or not… I would say wraith because of the salt and the motion sensor but I'm not sure.
It’s not a bansee
Yap it's Wraith, not Mimic or Demon
demon cause the crucifix was far from the activated motion sensor?
Maybe Demon ? I guess only 😅But don't know why But demon is aggressive ghost!
Thats the demon ability right there.