Two Professional Ghost Hunters Enter a Haunted House in Phasmophobia Gameplay! Dark OB and @Camodo2nd Are tasked with finding a ghost and getting rid of it. This house has a ghost inside, and its up to us to use our tools to investigate clues and figure out which type of ghost it is. Will Dark OB and Camodo be able to correctly identify the ghost in Phasmophobia gameplay?
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❓ About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
✅ Main Channel: @BeautifulOB
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Ob yay
Hello Mr on I hope you had a good day today!
Awesome video OB! Always a blast watching you and Camodo hunt ghosts! Also, the cat pictures were adorable
Hay there everyone! And hay OB I didn't know that you changed your hair color it looks awesome! Hope ya'll are having a wonderful day too! 😊
Another awesome vid as always👍
Proud to be a subscriber ur almost at 100k
I will never not watch a phasmo video! That and backrooms I get so excited for 🙂 thanks ob! Hope you’re having a great weekend!!!
Ob, I was thinking, because it’s almost gmods 18th anniversary, maybe you could try playing gmod horror maps, doesn’t have to be the ones you played, but maybe new ones if they have any?
If the tier three cross has all three burns left, it can stop a cursed hunt and the price of the entire cross
Camoto you should probably go watch from the truck, Worst gamer ever! Living off ob's coat tails, don't even play any of the horror games
the first ghost's last name is pronounced "Pet it" or at least to google translate
We need more phasma and ATS pod cast but maybe add spy that be awesome
The ghost is playing mind games with you guys that’s what bad ghosts do
Sorry I am late I have been sick 🤒 for 5 days and what makes me feel better is your amazing videos and keep up the good work ob.👍
Ob, do remember me?
You can't hold his hand forever ob it's time for him to spread his wings You need to get him Ghost dancing😅
OB I'm so proud of cómodo he is steppin up his game,but he ent ready to go face to face with the ghost😂😂😂 yet.
I like how they went from ghost hunting to camodo threatening ob that obs wife isn't his best friend anymore to talking about underwear 😂😂
i love when u get Hollys. LOL we are something else.
Love your vids
More backrooms?
Almost 100k dude ive been her since you had like 20k
When are you going to do another video of the the back rooms
It just talked in the Spirit box
remember when comodo talked into the emf 😀