Using the Monkey Paw to Make Phasmophobia 10x Easier!

Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we try actually using the Monkey Paw in practice to see how useful it actually is. ENJOY!

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NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.8.1


41 thoughts on “Using the Monkey Paw to Make Phasmophobia 10x Easier!”

  1. Imagine asking "I wish for bone" and nothing happens, but once you get close enough of the bone one of your legs breaks the bone making a sound and it indicates you are near the bone, but you no longer can sprint and you speed it set to the lowest modifier possible lol

  2. 1:13:00 the campsites are honestly my favorite map, im always surprised when people have a tough time with them, usually takes me at most 15 / 20 Mins on each.
    the rewards for Woodwind should definitely be bumped up though. been playing Maple Lodge alot recently since it has higher rewards than Woodwind.

  3. Yeah, Camp Woodwind just doesn't work well with the gameplay. It's far too open so it's near impossible to know where the ghost is as well as being dangerous. In my opinion, it needs to be made denser and there needs to be bottlenecks between rooms.

    I think the effect of bottlenecks (i.e. doorways) on how roaming feels is often underestimated. On most maps, the ghost hugs very tight paths when it roams between rooms that allows easy tracking. In Woodwind, if it is in the picnic area/ kids area/ campfire/ sports or food tents; it can meander into adjacent rooms via dozens of different paths.

    If I were to redesign it, I'd:
    – remove the kids room by bringing the toilets and red tent forward, making a narrow entrance to the lovers bench;
    – replace the sport & food tents with a two walled through tent (longer tent with entry on opposite short sides), move the campfire closer to the entrance to make this tents entrances more natural and to shrink the size of the massive campfire room a bit;
    – Swap the table and white tent so that the white tent can be used with the blue tent to create a narrower entrance to the picnic area.

  4. 31:46 – (Using Sanity wish to test a Shade) I tried this a couple of days ago. I wished for sanity, waited a few seconds for some slight drainage to take effect, then went to grab a candle. I sat in the Willow living room for 6 solid minutes, thinking it was a Shade, but no, it was a Spirit that just did not want to hunt!

  5. I think it would be better if "I wish for Knowledge" was divided in two… First time you lost your hearing and on the second you lose Sight… It would be more worth I ig… "I wish for Knowledge" and "I wish for more knowledge"…

  6. As of the March 7th/8th update, the Monkey Paw might be bugged. If you use the wish to gain knowledge, the ghost will instantly kill you. DO NOT try this wish unless you want to lose possibly thousands of dollars worth of items that you brought on your investigations. It is not known whether this is actually a bug as the devs have wiped the wiki page for the Monkey Paw, however, if this is intentional you should only use this wish as a last resort for info with a team. Time will tell once the page has been updated.


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