Ross ► https://www.twitch.tv/rubberross & https://www.youtube.com/RubberRoss
Liam Triforce ► https://www.youtube.com/c/liamtriforce & https://www.twitch.tv/liamtriforce
Jerma ► https://www.twitch.tv/jerma985 & https://www.youtube.com/jerma985
Phasmophobia ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
Vinny plays Phasmophobia for PC on Vinesauce!
Stream Playlist ► http://bit.ly/Phasmophobia-pl – http://bit.ly/VR-pl – https://bit.ly/VineFriends-pl – https://bit.ly/Spoop2022
Recording date: Oct 29th, 2022
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when phas post with the bois
dance dance mushroom dance
There's nothing better as a birthday treat than this lineup in Phasmophobia, that's chaos cubed.
Vinny brought up the game AtmosFear, they recently did a kickstarter for the 30th(?) anniversary to do a special edition of the game that includes all 3 versions of the game. (VHS, DVD and Mobile phone version)
Love how much vin goofs off and fucks around instead of legitimately investigating then gets disappointed when they can’t figure out what ghost they’re looking for lol
Granted this game seems incredibly hard so I don’t blame them for having trouble and making their own fun
Why do people like jerma. Supremely annoying in the worst ways.
Holy shit the timing of Vinny dropping the cup right before anyone else came around the corner to also see it was absolutely perfect
and one whole year later, they still didn't learn to turn on the lights to not die so quickly
If only they had A G U N W I T H O N E B U L L E T
Oops all Jerma character select.
jerma and vinny should kiss
All four of you together are the Twitch version of Weezer
Sure, jerma "accidentally" lowered Vinny the fuck down.
It's not like jerma and Vinny are doing fake beefs for views just like with Joey.
wtf was that video at the end?
vinny's eyes light up whenever anyone mentions spirit halloweenwhe same way a lotr fan's eyes light up when the helmet kicking scene comes on
This is such a change of pace from my friends' sessions as instead of staying as a team I get designated to guinea pig for the rest of the night
The goon squad is at it again, thank god
Naughty vinny, did he say CUNNTTTT during his rabbids streams again tsk tsk.
Phasmophobia: where every ghost hunter looks like the "I'm a Mac" guy.
how old is Liam? because he sounds like he's not even old enough to drink.
Expand D O O R
37:47 Funny thing about that. You actually want house centipedes roaming at night because they will seek and destroy every living creature they can fit in their little mandibles. Gonna scare the living hell out of you, but they are doing their job.
4 guys who have no idea of how to play the game wander around haunted locations for 2 hours.
1:54:42 The ghost knew the bit was coming.
1:31:54 real jerma moment