Vulnerable Weekly | Phasmophobia (NEW Update)

The Phasmophobia Vulnerable Weekly Challenge is here on the new Ascension update! We have nothing to defend ourselves 😉

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24 thoughts on “Vulnerable Weekly | Phasmophobia (NEW Update)”

  1. – 3 evidences as usual
    – no smudge / incense, all tier 1 eqs, full 100% sanity
    – voodoo doll
    – 3 looping zone map, nice! (fuse box works!)

    yes it's FUSE BOX !! not breaker !, perhaps sometimes it is generator !

  2. I had a Jinn in one of the downstairs rooms. But it kept wandering in and out of its room, so the temperature never got below zero, so I guessed Goryo and got it wrong. I hope they improve the temperature mechanics.

  3. "You wanna eat my glowstick? Go eat it" 😂 I laughed so much at this 😂

    But poor tato, 3 times a basement ghost… The last time I played on Willow, I also had one haha

    And as always, great video Psycho! ❤

  4. Damn, that first game, I cannot believe you lived that one 🤣
    2nd one, I was like, screaming at the screen to do Mimic check hahaha
    3rd one, I cannot believe you casually walking around living room to show hiding spots and not commented on a mannequin teleported to living room which mean ghost room is at basement hahaha, did u not notice it?

    GGs on your runs Psycho 😁

  5. Had phantom, Rev, Got number 3 wrong as I couldn't find the orbies anywhere so guessed ONI instead of Yurei. Last one was an ONI LOL. Dadsarebrilliant.

  6. Fun fact. I have figured out an Obake based on its footsteps with UV and by it hiding a finger print.
    I had one that was touching a lot and constantly leaving new fingies, then it finally didn’t leave any UV
    The way I found out footsteps is it left only 2 right feet with UV there was no left foot.


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