I AM EVIL! I promise I am usually nice, but this was amazing to watch. I love revenants especially when I’m not in the house. It was awesome to see the revenant start ZOOMING as soon as it saw someone. I love Phasmophobia so much, I promise next time I’ll protect my team… Probably. Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
I stream every day live at 19:00 CET, 13:00 EST, 10:00 PST over on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Submit your favorite Insym moments/clips over here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6OBxctJ9cfL1hyX-R39cp0HfoTRRNjJT9l2jLrLiQNJrvfQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
NOTE: this video was recorded on patch v0.25.9.5
Revenant: I AM SPEED
Playing with a revenant makes the game a lot more intenset… and entertaining xD HAHAHA! I love this~ Hi/Bye twitch! <3
This should be a ritual xD There must be a sacrifice to the blood god!
12:34 Ghost walk like nothing happens
And OH!
Ghost see someone and run to catch him!
That was so hilarious!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Fu### Christ 🤣🤣
That rev destroyed me lol it was fun playing thanks Insym
pacing all day waiting for amazon prime parcel
me: 12:17
Day #17! I did watch the video earlier, but it was on my console so I wasn’t able to comment, so imma do it now! Have a great day Insym!
Ok, give you that subscribe man
Ill do anything for Insym to speak in a british accent and say “im bri’ish”
Rev pog?
That revenant was exactly how this one guy's reenactment video on ghost types was, just chilling then zoomed! 😀 and yeah I just commented that on Psycho's video, that I think the ghost behaviors changed a bit, like twice we had a rev that I thought at first was a jinn cuz it never turned off the breaker, a shy demon that hunted at low sanity and never chain hunted, and an oni-like shade! I guess it's also good because it makes the game harder. And I thought demons that act like mares turning off lights was annoying before! Now they all share behaviors sometimes 😀
can you just have a stream (or few videos) of just people kite the ghost/ figure it out them selfs while u sit in the van just watching from their pov/cameras they put down
Damn that ghost got some cake
revenant preparing for hunt: Speed, i am speed.
This literally happened to me tonight, my friend got trapped in the same house with a Rev and I literally just watched him die hahaha
i never mess with rev ever!!!!! only god tier insym can
Ah yes James Smith the British Ghost that lives in like an American kinda home
Insym lookin like an 18th century gentleman with them sideburns 😂
please man your health is more important you look tired af just from the bags under your eye so please insym go to sleep maybe skip a day of streaming
The Woman that wants to kill the person that said that:12:17
12:14 "Bitch, on the steps BRING THAT ASS HERE BOY"
When ghost went sonic mode lmao i peed a lil
Everyone wants to play with Insym… Insym just wanna watch somebody die by a rev
Well yesterday i ask "how many have you kill" answer 635! Like what?? Dam thats a busy ghosty! He kill my friend too xD
My bf’s dad’s name is Peter Hansen and that is one of the most generic danish names
When we helped him setup his new phone it was literally the example in the “name” box lmao
I'm a Brit and I easily know at least 3 James Smiths
see revs are fast because Mario Judah summoned all of them and played his song die very rough and for some reason they took it literally
this was made on my birthday lol
You are an evil man. An awesome evil rev zooming man. Its a good thing we love you.
Nice video ❤️
U should play a different game
Use a colour invert to see everything