We Finally Defeated Our WORST Ghost House in Phasmophobia Multiplayer?! Today Camodo2 and @DarkmodeOB take on our worst house to hunt ghosts in.
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Hi 👋
Finally you did it
comodo spell I C U P
Camaro play cod world at war zombies
I love your videos camodo 😊
We need a video or Comodo does gym shelf. Everything always just there to watch and supervise
under 10 minute ganggg 👉👉
Your the best YouTuber in my opinion 🎉 plz like this 🙂
Camodo love the videos keep it up❤❤😊
Hello Camodo!
how are you comando
You guys fell off
MAXWELL will hunt you for ever more
One hour and 756 views you fell off
Hi camodo you are so cool so I made a YouTube channel a year ago after I watched your videos and thought it was easy but it is not easy it’s kinda hard
Yall need to starts using the lights to your advantage cause soem ghost hate it but one likes electronics on so be carefull
Chronic syphlis
Camodo won’t pin this comment👇
Where’s proximity?
bro Camodo Ob and spy need to make a movie of gmod
like every single gmod video of Them cause they are the OGS
I think the word you boys were looking for was "differentiate". 😀
keep good work bro we love you
"Sometimes violence is necessary." As a fellow Texas, this is true
I'm so surprise OB didn't get the teddy bear before leaving all the time
Camodo when the ghost does a event in the same room your in it knows where u are and has a chance on moving rooms so I recommend finding another hiding spot.
I've been asking spycakes and OB and I'm just saying if you can just like help me earn subscribers cuz my grandparents been helping me out a lot and spending a lot of money on me so I just want to give back plus I really want to see you in person spy and ob but keep up the good work and tell Obi to do more stuff with the voice changer
#BringBackOGCamodo It would be cool to bring back games like brick rigs build reviews, trialmakers, and especially Raft. I just spent the entire day watching old Camodo videos and at one point I almost cried because of the nostalgia of my childhood in the channel, it would be so cool to bring back the 2017-2018 content.
Y'all were s'pposed to do Proximity Chat wit' duh radio!! 😂
cue Scooby-Doo chase scene.