We Finally Got a Tough Weekly :D | Gotta Go Fast Weekly Challenge Phasmophobia

Gotta Go Fast Weekly Phasmophobia Challenge. Enjoy! All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained: https://youtu.be/w-bK88EYwVM 0 …


24 thoughts on “We Finally Got a Tough Weekly :D | Gotta Go Fast Weekly Challenge Phasmophobia”

  1. Tried this challenge with some friends the second it dropped and we got steamrolled every time. Thank god that the challenges provide you with gear because i would have gone broke!

  2. I think insym mentioned that there's a bug where if a ghost hunts when it's in dots mode, it is invisible and you can only see the ghost with dots projector during that hunt.

  3. Mimic struck after a 20-minute investigation. I should have realized cause it hadn't found me before then suddenly it came at me like a Deogen. I was just too excited to get out of there LOL

  4. I did this with a group today. The first two ghosts were easy and fast to identify and crazy lucky for us to get: a Revenant and a Raiju, both found with orbs in the Cafeteria from the truck! But then we had a Moroi in the right hallway by the entrance and we had to really fight to identify it. It was a fun time overall.

  5. Must be a Moroi thing today. I had one that wouldn't talk to me on the tier 2 SB and I was getting a TON of air ball ghost events and not getting hunts till around 35% so I called it as a Shade…. And it was a fucking Moroi playing shape shifter on abilities to dupe me.

  6. Hey Maggstor, I know it's your accent, but the 'Han' in Hantu is actually pronounced as 'Hun' in the original language. So it's pronounced as "Huntu" and not "Hauntu" (That's how it sounded like it my ears when you pronounced it)

    This is one of the first videos that i watched from you btw so if someone already pointed this out i apologize. Please no hate 🙏

    Keep up the great videos! I love your content!

  7. Got a Deo on my first run, I stepped inside and went to hind in the first left room. It started hunting and all I heard was these menacingly fast footsteps getting louder and louder😂


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