We Found a DANGEROUS Old Man Ghost in Phasmophobia Multiplayer! Join us as we hunt down a terrifying ghost in Phasmophobia multiplayer! Will we be able to survive the night and capture evidence of this dangerous ghost?
Collab with @DarkmodeOB
Follow me! @CamodoGaming
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Hi camodo you should do a challenge where you can't turn on lights and cant leave the house
Yes, Everyone Like this Video!
2 minutes
Whenever camodo posts i know im going to have a good time watching his videos never disappoints me.
7 min gang
Again with OB singing
OB presents the world of voice cracks
144 views in 11 minutes? Camodo fell off… 😔
so good
No matter what i will watch this when im ill and im ill
Camodo: "Wait– what was his name? Somethin' Dixon, right?"
OB: "Daryl Dixon."
Me: I was wondering if someone would toss in a TWD reference. 😀
Do Challenge mode again
Camodo and OB are the best.
0 views 7 seconds bro fell off
Also camodo made a dbz reference
i'm your 100th like on your video
Keep calling it Tom Cruise, please!
I hope everyone reading this has a great day, another great video by the way
Bro could you pick a different map for once besides the house's!
Where is Maxwell
Oh my god 3 episodes in a row with ob singing im gonna go insane
Could just be the homeowners left a light on…
You were supposed to let Camodo guess!
OB: "oops! I got the wrong tools!"
I never rlly realized…
…but OB laughs like Scooby-Doo.
Imagine it WASN'T a Thaye… 😂
The videos are getting boring, I won't to see you to do some bigger maps. Now that being said now. I still love the videos. But the phasmaphobia videos are getting a little boring. Mostly because you're doing the same maps over and over. Do something new. I still love the videos throw, and can't wait to see the next one.
Yeah OB is right about the Thaye being able to hunt early, however, the Demon can hunt at any sanity, but typically hunt at 70% or below. The Thaye (if I remember right) can move at 3.0m/s when young, with 75% (? Might be wrong) hunting sanity. When it is old it moves at 1.0 or 0.7m/s (been a minute be patient, one day I will remember correctly) with 15% hunting sanity. Demons move at the typical 1.7m/s. 1.7m/s is the most common ghost speed. Revenants walk at 1.3m/s without LOS, and 3.0m/s with LOS. Mares walk at 1.7m/s. I do not think Thayes or Mares get any LOS boosts.
pls do the prison pls
More proximity chat please camodo
Is there such a thing as modded phasmophobia?
I love your videos camodo 😊
You forgot the new crucifixes😢