We Found an ACTUAL Scary Ghost. This house has a ghost inside, and its up to us to use our tools to investigate clues and figure out which type of ghost it is. Will Dark OB and Camodo be able to correctly identify the ghost in Phasmophobia gameplay?
🔗 Watch More Phasmophobia:
🕹️ Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
❓ About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
✅ Main Channel: Beautiful OB
🔔 Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuC9nGJs2x6P_nzwdRr4vtQ/join
👕 Merch: https://beautifulob-shop.fourthwall.com/
🌟 Collaborations:
Camodo Gaming
#phasmophobia #darkob #beautifulob #roleplay #gameplay
46 sec gang 👇
Comb the houses hair OB come on it’s simple
Light work ob light work😤😤😤
23rd comment! Keep up the good work OB everytime you make a new video it makes me really happy!
Lol another fire phasmophobia video for us to watch!
You guys ever thought of playing Minecraft again? I know it didn’t preform the best for you but it’s been a while. Hope your cats are doing well
Plot twist: it wasn't the ghost that was scary it was the cat onslaught in ob's room.
Ob did you see my long comment in the comment section of your last Jimmy's hotel video if not please remember to check it I would say it will probably be useful for your next stream
I love your videos ob I’ve been watching the videos since 2017
Can you please do more long drive with comodo
How do you rate the importance of collaborating with other channels for your channel? 💝🐱
Pat your face reactions are exactly what I love to see because they show all the emotions for the video. I wish Cody would make one just one so we can see his. It would be incredible
I love these videos
OB you can freeze the dots projector in 1 spot lol. You still haven't tried that yet.
👇 under 1hr
Always wait for night time to watch this alone
The way his dog passed by his camera 1:49
Sup ob i would become a member but i sadly cant…..im broke…..lol……
YOOOOOO more phasmo!
I love this game so cool, definitely going to try this out❤😂😊
Now that why I have my saying with the monkey paw the worst one should always use it because the worst one is normally useless so if there blind we don't care 😊
The ghosts are mad at OB and Camodo because they are too good at the game.
Love u ob
Hay on did you know that you can get a interaction photo on a crucifix
The phasmo gods are angry that u haven’t play in a while
Can I join u today I have tier 3 stuff plus I want to Play with u my games Nam is mrsjensen
You should play Hinter, its a low-graphics horror game, and its based of of reality.
3:48 I actually see an Ankh, so yes, its probably Egyptian.
Plz the name is mrsjensen
I just created it
Plz respond
Hello ob are u getting my messages
Pretty Pretty please join mrsjensen
Or can I join u
The code is 248513
The code is 248513
Let me know when I can play with u guys
Ob do you have a po box