We Got Scar Back! – Phasmophobia Stream

We Got Scar Back! – Phasmophobia Stream
Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman
Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz
Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast


29 thoughts on “We Got Scar Back! – Phasmophobia Stream”

  1. Hiya Skizz! I've just finished watching your Raft series, both solo and with Mr Joker, and was sad that it ended rather abruptly before you both finished the game. I've started watching your Hermitcraft VODS now. I've been going thru drug withdrawals for the last 2 weeks so I've been very sick in bed and it takes a lot of willpower to get thru this. Your content makes me happy and provides a much needed distraction. Edit: Also missed the Livestream today because twitch didn't notify me literally at all, so I hope Prim is doing alright. If you get a chance please tell Impulse I'm sending them good thoughts.

  2. 🤦🏻‍♂️They seriously still don’t know the pool ball colors. What Impulse keeps calling red is maroon, and he thinks the actual red looks like orange — in both cases it is because he shines the super bright flashlight on them which lightens the apparent colors.

    They could also just look at the numbers to confirm. 3 is the solids red, and 11 is the stripes red. 7 is the solids maroon, and 15 is the stripes maroon. 5 is the solids orange, and 13 is the stripes orange.

  3. I'm at the point where Gem is telling her ghost story. Reminds me of my story. Know how you go to bed, feel your partner slide in next to you, wrap their arm around, & kiss you? Well that happened when I was home alone.

  4. the moroi clearly slowed down mid hunt when gem took medicine, but it wasnt speeding up because sanity was stuck around 50 with gen staying in the truck and imp being at 0. i dont think they take that into consideration. Skizz's spirit box test was not very thorough since people kept being in the room, and there was no way to know if the ghost was in the room for the box, unfortunately.

  5. Just finished off helping my old man out with some concrete work involving me carrying and picking up and emptying 38 bags of concrete weighing just under 45 lbs each, so now I'm looking forward to just chilling out with some GIGS Phasmo and relax with a cold beer (or three).

  6. Hi Skizz! Watched the live yesterday and I was so into it I didn't realize my phone had no battery so my live view got cut short 😢 BUT here to catch the VOD. 😊 After this, I want to watch the PlateUp VOD when or if it's up, I missed you playing PlateUp with Tango and Jimmy.

  7. @skizzlemanLive its darn near a full miniute that line of sight lasts and it lasts between hunts untill the timer is worn off. those hunts were still under the high speed until around the time they took the meds.


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