WE JUMPED A GHOST! | PHASMOPHOBIA SCARY GAMEPLAY *FULLSTREAM* August 12, 2023 by Jalen’s World Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/jalensworld_ source
I missed this fr, thank you jay ❤. Oh and yo hair looks good like that I do the same with my twist . Reply
First, hey jalennn 🩷🩷
Casper onna b1tch! 😍
w vid
I missed this fr, thank you jay ❤. Oh and yo hair looks good like that I do the same with my twist .
This was so funny, I was laughing the whole way through 😭
Y’all need to play this with Kennedy next!! 😭😭She would’ve been a ki!!!!
awesome vid