This is one of my favorite rounds of Phasmophobia EVER. This Poltergeist went CRAZY with its ability. I have never seen it so many times in a row! This ghost also had the most ghost events I have EVER SEEN! This was super fun and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Much love and see you during the streams! 😀
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NOTE: This video was recorded on patch
VR man is the best ghost hunter
When u thought this was a new video but realized insym just changed the title but decide to watch the video again anyways 😅
I thought you were the biggest level but yesterday I found a level 4074
You had some awesome people in your lobby, love to see it
So many great things happening in one run!
twerks in scared
Ide for intro for streams have a crusefick whit a almost invisible ghost thats whating for the cross to disapear on it
TFW insym doesn't realize that another players flashlight was shining on his candle
This is gonna be a constant reminder that I owe you 25 bucks 😩
At least my shoe pile obsession got somewhere
I like how everyone shits theirselves and Insym's just chillin'
cursed run
501st like!!!!
damager is the best vr man
Just wanted to do a little shoutout to Damager, he is the VR person in this video. He also has a YouTube channel and he's really funny, please check him out :
0:20 the ghost is a revenant.
Awesome stuff 😂😂
17:27 vrman starts dancing like a fucking muppet lmao
Love your video bro literally 😂😂 they give me a good percentage of laugh and scare😂😂
Hahaha Damager (VR guy) is funny! xD Im going to have to check him out for sure. This does seem like a really fun ghost you guys had for sure!
Insym, multiplayer!?
I asked u to do a VR run when you hit 100K when u had 60K. Still waiting.
8:51 the ghost spawned in front of insym for a few frames.
If its so fun stop running from it
Happy poltergeist
vr man was having a grand old time
I watch your videos so often in my free time dude. You have great content!
behind the closet is narnia
What if, the Poltergeist's big throw counts as a ghost event and not as individual interactions?
I can remember about 2 weeks ago me and 2 of my friends were doing the School map on professional difficulty. Long (and I mean LONG) story short, we got a crawling baby shade and we played that investigation for 1:37:00 following confusing signs that led us the complete opposite direction of it's spawn room. We somehow got 35 hunts and 139 ghost interactions. It was absurd, but not as absurd as how we couldn't even get any evidence, even when we found the room, so we guessed Mare because we barely even messed with the lights that game.
I got $65 though, so that's neat
Also, everybody gangsta until I accidentally smack the table 😉
Only legends know the original title 😉
Thank you for what you do.
"this house makes no sense" already learned that trying to build it in sims 2
20:57 cant stop laughing
Why did VR man look like he was trying to box the ghost up for shipping at 21:13
best video ever, and that vr guy made me laugh many times
the part where vr guy started trying to shank and cut the ghost made my sides hurt XD
Damn, nice webcam, which is it? Pretty clean tbh
Imagine being a ghost, vibing, and then 3 dummys come into your house, beat your teddy bear, trash talk you, dismantle your bedroom door, play with legos, twerk and make a huge mess with 200 items in your room…
Poor Poltergeist. He was fed up of all the nuisance in the room. VR guy knifing him. Insym posing next to him. Three of the players posing with him. VR guy behaving as if he was possessed. I feel sorry for the Poltergeist 😂😂😂😂
Ghost: H U N T
Investigators: P H O T O S H O O T
literally the best vr person ever