@xman 723 fredbear if only I could go back work together what what is happening NightMarion fredbear at last we meet fredbear what are you NightMarion silence your life belongs to me Fredbear my life is my own no no stop I will obey NightMarion your current body will not survive I remake you anew Freddy fredbear is nightmare fredbear ah oh fredbear you were born a slave and you will die a slave NightMarion Freddy Freddy i know your there I know everything now listen carefully Reply
I enjoy your content.
@xman 723 fredbear if only I could go back work together what what is happening
NightMarion fredbear at last we meet
fredbear what are you
NightMarion silence your life belongs to me
Fredbear my life is my own no no stop I will obey
NightMarion your current body will not survive I remake you anew
Freddy fredbear is nightmare fredbear ah oh fredbear you were born a slave and you will die a slave
NightMarion Freddy Freddy i know your there I know everything now listen carefully
Mr clean has a head
The demon ghost is like:
I’m coming for you toes!!