Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we play together with CJ and Psycho and we ACTUALLY try to play the game as it was intended… It obviously didn’t fully go to plan. I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
Check out CJ and Psycho!
Psycho: https://www.twitch.tv/psychohypnotic
CJ: https://www.twitch.tv/cjdxn
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.2.1
15:33 I feel like that was CJ being salty about the chain death. xD
As a fellow Hunagrian, I have to say, that I like the lettuce idea better than the actual meaning 😹. Which is "mountains". Excuse me, I'm already lost at the fact, that white symbolizes "rivers" for some reason. Although still makes more sense then the white, but I believe people in 1848 had better things to worry about, than the colours meaning.
(pls don't kill me hungarian people, I'm joking xd)
You make it look so easy… playing last night, I swear up and down it was a Myling, but noooooooooo…. it's a Shade WTF. For the past year or so I've been having a really hard time getting all the evidences and trying to pin the ghost type off personality. It's almost not fun anymore with a 40% success rate.
Insym: "In this one we will try to work together" "playing the game as intended"
Also Insym: watching CJ spoon feeding Psycho
But watching you 3 playing together doesnt matter which game it's always so funny 🤣
i love that these videos are long
Guess our game is broken. When my friends and I are playing, a lot of times when the ghost touches the door and we accidentally bump into it, the door closes completely without us actually closing it, and it's never a yurei. We fell for this sooooo many times. xD
Somebody can tell me what program they use for the voices? Thanks in advance!
This thumbnail is gold 😂
That Ridgeview game was legendary
6:26 😂
20:39 is a feature From 2020 some times then you die your body wiggles like crazy, there are many clips
They got so little faith in each other not to trigger a cursed hunt it's actually unbelievable lmao
Insym: "We're gonna try hard."
i really wanna see u play popular horror games on roblox because they’re super realistic and free. i know that’s not really what u do but there’s many amazing horror games on there
The 3 Amigos at again. My favorite trio!
I was on this video ? XD
I purchased 2 copies of this game because you make it so entertaining. Great video. 👍
i love the vids. the only part im not fond of is how insym always "takes lead"
just relax and play the games with your friends.
it'll be better content too.
I yelled into my mic and soon realised that it was not discord that said "british" it was Insym, going to have to get revenge now XD
best phasmo trio hands down!
I got 2 high prest and they both are the fool card
Can you play Boogeyman!? It’s like fnaf but your a child in a bedroom whose trying to fend off the boogeyman.
at the 25:30 mark, how the hell did you figure it was a yurei with no evidence? All it did was touch the door.
Local man is chased around a car crouching whilst possible wife/daughter crawls after him; intense footage as followed!
Impossible mode is just CJ joining your game to try and kill you
Someone needs to clip insym's scream at 15:35
That was the funniest shit I've ever seen 😂🤣🤣🤣
As being a British person it was hilarious to hear CJ talking in a "London" accent, Love the content Insym you're great!
Instead of a speed run, you should do a speed kill, see how many kills you can get in a short period of time
Watching them play is one of the most entertaining things ever
Waiting to reach 500k
Italian accent "Where are you?
– Insym.
– Yes?
– What'chu dooin'?
– Holdin' a spirit box.
– … MAMMA MIA! This is not-a how you hold-a spirit box!
– Are you talking with the ghost again?
– Yes?"
43:55 I'm Hugarian and I can confirm that this statement is 100% correct.
18:43 But I like Insym, CJ, and Psycho's chaos arc in the games, they're the best, no good arc.
"WhErE ArE yOu?¿" whit italian accent, minut 10:00 hahahah
My friends and I did a challenge where we locked our selves on Prison Nightmare and tried to see who could survive the longest.
I died first because I thought it was a Deo because it was going slow after chasing me, but then as soon as it gained true line of sight it absolutely obliterated me. Funny that a Revenant was the first ghost when I did that challenge. Frustrating to know if I had just continued running upstairs, I woulda survived.
What voice alteration thingy does he use, if anyone knows?
Ján is a Slovakia name
20:40 is clearly the best moment of the video
00:33 – 00:40
If you’re not subsribed? Please do so.
If you like the video, like it, if you just like just like it.
But lets not waste anymore time, en lets hop in to the game.
Stream snipers are so "KJ"
15:34 holy shit I jumped out of my chair there
Where are you 🤌🏻
Are you beer?