We Used Advanced Tactics to Identify This Phasmophobia Ghost!

We Used Advanced Tactics to Identify This Phasmophobia Ghost in Phasmophobia Gameplay with @DarkmodeOB and @Camodo2nd . Today in Phasmophobia, we put the difficulty up to max, which is called apocalypse. We have to investigate the house, find the ghost and escape before it hunts! Will Dark OB be able to escape in phasmophobia?

About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.

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45 thoughts on “We Used Advanced Tactics to Identify This Phasmophobia Ghost!”

  1. Thank God you saved the stuffy. What about the cat in memory of each cat that that probably killed when they were a ghost save the memory in cleanse them from the house please OB there are suffering

  2. I love the video ob!

    Remember when camodo talked into the EMF reader?

    One twin will have above average speed and the other will have below average speed

    Also Me myself I’m level 54 in phas and I just unlocked the T3 spirit box as well as the emf. Have a nice day

  3. Hey ob not sure if you read my comment on your main channel about it but do you have a quest 3? If so there is this game I think you will like ,it's called blocks verse and you play IRL so pretty much ,it's Minecraft but you can see the real world and destroy stuff ,like landscape lol ,there are multiple mods too ,like tiny blockverse where you like build a miny blockverse then normal where your not IRL and your actually playing a Minecraft type of game (you might be able yo get on other VR headsets ,not sure)

  4. Thanks for doin guess who❤ ya listened❤❤ i remember when this channel used to be called ob dark mode and not dark ob ❤ we need a lil variety tho its usually only phasmo except for the "Drive me too hell vid you did" ill watch them regardless tho❤

  5. In the hunts i could hear 2 speed also when you left in the truck sound went off in bed room and kitchen it threw a cup and opened a door at the same time . Also for it moving slow i think it bugged inside something and was stuck.

  6. Easiest way to test a Moroi is to get your sanity to 0, bring meds with you and let it hunt. While its hunting take the meds and listen to the steps to see if it slows down after taking the meds. If no change, you can rule out Moroi since its speed is connected to your sanity.


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