👻 Phasmophobia Gameplay with Dark OB and @Camodo2nd where We Used PROXIMITY CHAT Again and It’s AWESOME. This house has a ghost inside, and its up to us to use our tools to investigate clues and figure out which type of ghost it is. Will Dark OB and Camodo be able to correctly identify the ghost in Phasmophobia gameplay?
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About Phasmophobia Gameplay:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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#phasmophobia #darkob #beautifulob #roleplay #gameplay
happy easter love you ob
Yay proximity chat again😂
Finally im one of the first also ob happy easter
“Comodo is the breaker on” as you turn the light in😂
Ob when are you going to live stream
Hey ob Happy Easter love the vids
Hi OB, please bring back spycakes into phasmophobia and do proximity chat with all 3 of you, should be interesting lol
When are or did they nurt the level one thermometer.
Proximity chat between you both is hilarious! And that was added to by the walkie talkie hijinks! 😂😂
I liked my own comment
Hello Ob I’m back 😀
Happy Easter Ob
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Yea Yea Yea
w vid ob. but can you play Elden ring pretty pls
you were playing risky with that last one 😅
Holy crap that hunt with the closet was the most intense thing I’ve seen in phasmophobia
How is camodo and ob so good at the game. I cant wven do it with 5 people.
This is so funny and amazing.
Comodo saying the radio is cheating then Perceives to use it the hole game
These guys, are professional paranormal investigators on a whole other level. Great video!