👻 Phasmophobia Gameplay with Dark OB and @Camodo2nd where We Used PROXIMITY CHAT And It Was HILARIOUS. This house has a ghost inside, and its up to us to use our tools to investigate clues and figure out which type of ghost it is. Will Dark OB and Camodo be able to correctly identify the ghost in Phasmophobia gameplay?
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About Phasmophobia Gameplay:
Phasmophobia offers a unique 4-player online co-op experience filled with psychological horror. With increasing paranormal activities, it’s imperative for teams to gather evidence using a plethora of ghost-hunting tools available.
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#phasmophobia #darkob #beautifulob #roleplay #gameplay
Ob do the idea you said episodes ago where you will get all the items in the house and veing it to the truck
And dont spam im not taking the blame
Crazier idea VR and proximity chat we need that next
OB you gotta use the radio to talk from far away
Hi ob love the vids
if u press B you can talk to eachother through like a radio type thing so u can hear eachother when you're far away
Hey ob there is a new chilla's art game you should check it out cant wait for your next vid!
Ob there's a button for a walky talky
Btw ob you can use the radio to talk long distance with out useing normal voice chat idk your key binds but its b for Default
Did camodo really just say 0000.1% chance? Lol
Can't wait till ob hits 100k on dark ob he deserves it
You can press b I think it is you can use a walkie talkie
Hi ob hope ur doing good! Love the vids❤❤
You can press b for the walkie talkie
Keep up Dark OB
ob if you do this again click b for walkie talkie
hit V for proxity chat and b is the radio chat
Hay ob i love your videos and i woch them almost every day your doing a great job and keep it up your doing great ❤your the best YouTuber ever
Pls make more of this proximity chat gameplay, it's so funny!!
Apparently, proximity chat thinks the basement stairs count as the room…
When I watched Markiplier play with it on with his friends, it didn't seem this broken.
Proximity chat is BROKEN…
Camodo: "*laughs*"
Camodo: "okay!"
This was so cool to watch please do more video with proximity chat
what editing softwaredo u use
the proximity chat's both weird and funny at the same time, its almost like if y'all tried to do ghost hunting irl. i would definitely try to go back and use it again, it could be fun once y'all get use to it. 😂
O.B ngl this is was too funny for me This proximity Chat is so cool i really wanna play with you guys but i won't get the chances. i really wanna be your friend like your my dream friend i always watch ur gmod vids etc. you are very funny. I really wanna be in your videos
Does poppy playtime still not work
Love these! Can’t wait for the next one!
You can talk on the radio
I live proximity chat- reminds me of lethal company where you can just hear muffled screams in the distance! It's soooo good ❤
More ghost watchers
Ob love ur video ❤❤😊
I love phasmo
Now you can talk to your viewers and steel stuffed animals
Always love the vids when turtle to flash the cam