We Went Ghost Hunting at the ASYLUM in Phasmophobia Multiplayer! Today me and @DarkmodeOB are back ghost hunting.
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Intro Song:
Music by: MDK
Song Title: Super Ultra (Smooth Jazz Remix)
Buy the song here: http://www.mdkofficial.bandcamp.com/
Free Download: http://www.morgandavidking.com/free-downloads
How about some challenge mode and asylum?
these videos always cheer me up at the end of the day (IM NOT ONE OF THOSE DUMB BOTS!)
the ghost in the asylum
"This man is turning on the breaker?" * Turns off*
Ob *Turns it on
Ghost: I am gonna mess with him * turns of again*
yes Camodo 😅OB 👍👍👍😀😀😀👌🏚😨😱👌
hey uh camodo the a footprint in the salt
Camodo we need tiny town to return!! 😭
Day 1 of asking for people playground
OB and Camodo need the whole army to do this.
56th comment
I did not know there was an asylum in this game. Cool very creepy. The fact its restricted and not even the largest part gives out special vibes. Wonder if they will put different areas beyond houses. Asylum, hospital, abandoned woods.
Do gta v with ob aging
My friend's last name is Walter
You unlocked a damaged book😅
is ur house haunted camodo
Do nightmare mode by yourself don't do it with your friends
yo its 9:00 rn💀💀
Play RAFT it’s been so long
My name is xander
I have your DOTS, OB.
I'm eatin'em. >=)
I thought i saw a head and shoulders in the DOTS, but…
That might'a just been 1 of your guy's breaths.
M'man's a laundry ghost.
Imagine going crazy in a haunted asylum.
Been watching origanal channel for 4 years
go to the vid you made 4 days ago and go to exactly 15 min and 57bsec i think and you can see a littlle person runining in the ally
We need Neil and Spy to play this with you two
7:44 the salt shows footprnce
Love vids
Camodo I can speak for most of us when I say we are so glad you made a second channel. It’s fun to watch. I watch your videos here more than on your main channel. But thats because I find these videos more entertaining. Anyways keep it up! I enjoy your content!
Bring the all of the squad ❤