We Went on an EASTER EGG Hunt in Phasmophobia – Easter Update!

Welcome to the Phasmophobia Easter Update! In this video we are going to find as many easter eggs as possible while trying to survive crazy ghosts. This Easter Update is a super fun event! It will be active until April 19th so get Egg hunting before they’re gone! I hope you enjoy! Much love and see you during the streams 😀

I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InsymTtv
Discord: https://discord.gg/insym
Livestream VODS: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymVODS
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/c/InsymClipss

Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.6.1.3


36 thoughts on “We Went on an EASTER EGG Hunt in Phasmophobia – Easter Update!”

  1. Still think Holiday themed ghosts would be cool— The Holy Spirit for Christmas, maybe some kind of creepy Bunny demon for Easter, I dunno. It’d be pretty funny, the abilities they could give ‘em.

  2. HI akimurayuzu

    HI joshuahobe

    HI kagehe

    HI blahblahprestp

    HI diplo540

    HI stanor_

    HI deathgun1189

    HI lou_killouque3

    HI skulltheevee

    HI hyuniilee

    HI modulusmay

    HI str_eif

    HI noon2251

    HI herxlivee

    HI lisa_maria1

    HI thenightborhoodspi…

    HI horror_monster-gaba_gaba

    HI nonbinarygast…

    HI nekrosmos

    HI cemophora

    HI spooky071805

    HI jahergiejohnson

    HI benekamilje

    HI gdglitcher19

    HI jeremytm96

    HI topveganism

    HI c19chexy

    HI the_honly_alyx

    HI twoidiotsstreaming

    HI rezox10

    HI zraasrp

    HI thecleveronetv

    HI electro_attacks

    HI aninakonina

    HI crazy_caz

    HI and everyone

    and all the others xD

  3. bro i went on an easter egg hunt once with a friend yesterday
    we didnt quite win (35/40 on ridgeview) but that was because we had a fucked demon that went 100% demon mode
    like after we knew it was a demon we had smudges, but one time we were just chilling in the basement looking for eggs (the ghost was on the second floor, so the complete opposite side of the house vertically) and i heard the front door click and the ghost hunt sound. so i went to the basement locker and i also thought "huh that sounds kinda close"

    turns out the ghost literally spawned in front of the locker i was trying to hide in, so i had to react FAST because i only saw that as i was trying to close the door
    it was even worse because it was the child model so i could barely see it when it first flickered

  4. Theres a bug that i found in tanglewood and its pretty op. It only works if your playing vr, but if you stand next to where the tarot cards spawn and move your irl head on top of the couch then move forward you walk onto the couch. Sometimes the ghost can get you, but if your careful enough the ghost will just walk in front of you until the hunt ends.

  5. I love your content I have been here since Phasmophobia's uprising. I love your content! it is insane the amount of content you put out and you deserve all of your subs and more. one thing i would ask is that you segment your longer videos cause' there might be a certain game someone is looking for! much love.

  6. I love this community! You guys are so amazing and supportive! Insym your videos yet again bringing so much entertainment and laughs! I can't wait to catch a stream soon! Keep up the amazing work. It's appreciated very much.

  7. I just want to say I had the funniest experience ever in phasmo. I. Was playing on willow with these two guys who were kind of bullying each other, don't know why, and I found the retro cards so I started pulling at the door so I wasn't locked in when i pulled death. Well, one of the other dudes got stuck in there in a cursed hunt after the other death wished him, tried his best to loop the ghost around the couch, and put on a show for us through the window. and died. Later I got my first high priestess card and he got revived. It was the funniest thing ever. Then he died again to the hantu😂😂🤣


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