WEEKLY CHALLENGE & Blood Moon Grind! | Phasmophobia LIVE

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6 thoughts on “WEEKLY CHALLENGE & Blood Moon Grind! | Phasmophobia LIVE”

  1. Flash, quick question, how would you feel when you come to the realization that there are people like Empress who make an online crack for the games like phasmophobia and people do not need to pay for them?

  2. New player (solo, console) chiming in 👋 I got my arse handed to me with the challenge. I've attempted it 5x so far, killed 4x right inside the door and the last attempt I basically threw everything in over the doorstep, set up a camera and truck camped…I got nuthin' 😂 First attempt was the fastest I've been killed, stepped over the front door threshold and immediately got crunched.

  3. The first one we failed, we thought thay, it was moroi (was a speedy boi) the next one was a phatom who stalked and hunted ontop of us, but we got it right. the next one was a wraith, we caught it teleporting on us and no salt walks. the last one was a deo who cornered us and got us but we got it right so we won lol


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