♥ My team members:
@John Wolfe
♥ Edited by Kay:
♦ Outro Song: Calivania – DOOM
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#phasmophobia #multiplayer #indiehorror
"This bitch is empty yeet"
One of my absolute favorite trio 🤍
Hmm. Harder to hear the sound effects with music over the video ☹️ it also makes it less scary in my opinion.
I love long episodes of this. ^_^
Damnit Gab! Back at it with the vans.
For a new map, one of my friends suggested a haunted carnival! 😀 Would be a great way to introduce some spooky clown ghosts >:) Which makes me think it would be cool to have certain ghost models which are specific to certain areas, if that's not already a thing.
That Basketball out the door scared the shit out of me! LOL! and OMG His Strongbad voice is SUPER GOOD!
for new maps, they should do an abandoned mall, a museum and a mansion 😀 it would be s p o o k y
I do do IT work in prison and a lot of things are correct here.
Wardens sit in their chairs a LOT. The prisons are full of 1970s and 80s old furniture.
The camaraderie on these is amazing
haunted theme park would be a nice map
There should he a mode where you get to be a spirit , tormenting your friends
they find this prison special they should see an norwichen one, they have tv, kitchen with proper knives, gyms, school
Lolol love the wazaaa every time 😂🤣😂
You should play with Insym
Missing Kravin. Hope his health improves.
Gab: John, give us a sign.
John: basketball through the door
Gab: Sinow, give us a sign.
Sinow: throws discarded peppermint mocha
Gab: Maria, are you here?
Maria: Yes.
Sinow talking about Neopets made me think about how there's a cemetery in Japan for Tamagotchi. I was not the most graceful child and I was a bit overweight. I accidentally stepped on my friends Tamagotchi one day when I was at her house because she left it on the floor and it was instant death.
I was more into Webkinz, the enterprise that conned you into buying stuffed animals so you could put flip flops on a hippo and play games that pretty much any free gaming site had. Yes, I got a Goobers Lab trophy. Very sad.
Still, part of my childhood.
I love how Gab is swearing every time the lights flicker. She is always so calm love the vid!
i'll never get tired of you playing this game
John brought me here. 😂