What Could Go Wrong? – Phasmophobia #1 [4-Player Multiplayer!]

We’re checking out that Phasmophobia! An online co-op game where we are the ghost hunters going into spooky homes, schools, and asylums looking for evidence of the paranormal! ITS SO FUN AND SPOOKY!

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► Find out more about this game here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
♫ Outro Music “Skatboet” by: http://www.epidemicsound.com/


45 thoughts on “What Could Go Wrong? – Phasmophobia #1 [4-Player Multiplayer!]”

  1. Hey guys! This is just me here letting you know that this game is still buggy. We tried very hard to get the in game audio work but we couldn't hear each other. We did hold the local chat button most of the time when in the house to make the ghost react. So calm down there try hards.

  2. Don’t get why the ghost are hating on Ash (two different ghosts kills him). He’s asking legit questions 🤣🤣🤣Hope you guys play more of this. So entertaining to see you play but also getting scared the crap out of this game 😰😰😰💙💛💚❤️

  3. "No one blindly picks up a facetime" might have been true before the pandemic. Today my friends exclusively talk through FaceTime when it's something quick (like hey which one is table spoon or hey can you help me with a math problem) or when you just wanna talk about random stuff. Texting is a I'm in class kind of thing or with family. Now phonecalls… Can't remember when I laat called someone

  4. I love how basically everyone who plays this game reads that saying their name angers the ghost, but basically nobody remembers that til game #50 or so after they get themselves killed 45 times. 🙂
    Also funny to hear Jas act like she knows so much but uh…


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