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In this video I’ll be covering a frequently asked question regarding the journal and photos.
Do any extra photos reward you money once the journal is full, and can you still complete the ‘Capture a photo of the ghost’ objective?
Lets find out.
Very good to know, all 15 should be counted
I would like to see the journal expanded, makes no sense that you can only take 10 photos out of 15
It doesn't really make sense to have less slots in the journal than photos in the total cameras unless there was a delete photo option or something
Thank you for this, was wondering about it. I would like them to move the photos to the end of the journal and just add pages as needed for more photos.
Yeah it always puzzled me why you could bring 3 photo cameras but only 10 photos could be saved in the journal. I think we either need the journal expanded to hold all 15 photos possible OR have the option to delete photos in an attempt to get better ones, like maybe you got a 2 star ghost photo and wanna delete it to try and get a 3 star ghost photo
The other question is does your dollar amount change if you have all 3 stars for 10 photos in the journal, but 5 photos under 3 stars?
I don't see why the journal couldn't be expanded to allow room for all possible photos, but if there's some reason it has to stay below that, they should add a function to either delete or automatically replace low-star photos with high-star ones. And maybe an option to lock photos so they don't get replaced (if you really want to save that picture of your friend's head clipping through a wall or something)
Either expand the journal or allow us to delete photos, it makes no logical sense to have 3 cameras capable of taking 15 photos in total, but only being able to store 10, once you take a bad photo it's there and taking up space so you might as well not even have the 5 "extra" photos, each individual player should be able to delete the pictures THEY have taken, to help prevent trolling.
I feel like I’m the only person that thinks that its good that it works like this, if there were 15 allowed photos would take to long to get and/or be very easy to get max payout. The 3rd camera exists for the same reason theres 2 allowed spirit boxes or EMF Readers
I agree with 10 of 15, it give you a more incentive to make your shots count
It’s nice Linda helped you with this lil experiment
Hello friend! I have an idea for a phasmo science test: ask the ghost how many people it has killed, then allow someone to get killed by the ghost, and ask it again. See if it updates after it kills another lad.
Best phasmophobia creator out there. Thanks
One idea I just had is what if the photos work like a normal camera, as in they are saved on the camera, so to see your photos you look in the camera’s history and to get photo reward you need to take the camera back in the truck for it to count, so it isn’t so simple to snap a photo and leave the equipment in the house
15 sloooots let's goooooooo!
While I agree the 10 photo limit is an extra incentive to make every photo count if you are playing in a group/with random people they may waste the photos making it unfair. Maybe if your own personal photos take priority it may work better.
Thank you for this! All 15 should be counted. It sucks they can’t.
[Takes a photo of the ghost]
"Well, this is great evidence but we already have 10 photos of doors and windows in the journal so let's just toss this away."
the journal needs to be extended, the count doesn't make sense… and if you take in consideration how easy is for a ghost photo not count as ghost (with the ghost clearly on the photo), it's pretty easy to lose valuable photo slots
I have a question, why on multiplayer do photos show up differently sometimes? My friends and I will stream to each other and look at a photo we just took, and sometimes they're at a completely different angle on each screen, and often those pics won't register as anything worth money.
I figured I was right all those times, I hate when randoms take worthless pics
They should either create 5 more photo slots or make it so the best photos are the ones that end up in the book. Like if you don't get any stars the photo doesn't go into the journal at all. That way it at least makes sense that you have 15 shots.
Its probably already mentioned in the comments, but one change I would like to see is that higher quality photos will automatically replace lower quality photos of the same type.
For example, if you get a 2 star photo of a ghost, you can try your luck again to get a 3 star photo and when you do, it automatically replaces the previous without consuming a album slot.
So technically you only need 2 photo cameras and not 3 because the third doesn’t seem useful to me anymore.
We should be able to remove photos that don't count and we should be able to take 15 photos instead of 10 or remove the 3rd camera
They should make it so you can take a picture with the uv still on
Trash game, still same maps and quests… it was Nice game at the time of release but now its fucking stereotype…
Why give me three cameras when only the pictures made on the first two give me money?
Except for the 'Capture a photo of the ghost' challenge
Thank you for taking the time to answer this. Was wonderful being able to ask you this on your stream a few days ago and you took the time to calmly and rationally answer the question while doing a hunt with your subs.
Cartman: “Freakin bull crap!!”
thank you for this video, i'd be blankly taking photos off the journal thinking it'd give me money but this video helped alot! thank you again <3
All the 15 photos should count, not only 10 :/
The journal needs a rework tbh. It's hard to use for both VR and controllers. There was a mock up in the Phasmo discord of a great layout for the evidence screen, with half the book showing the all the ghosts as a symbols (with 3 little symbols below each for their evidence) and possible evidence on the other page, and you confirm or reject evidence and it would update the possible ghosts based on confirmed/rejected evidence. Switching to 3 per page for the book would allow all 15 pics.
i think the journal should show as many photos as can be taken. what's the point otherwise? at least it crosses off the objective though so you're not completely SOL
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