As part of the VR Rework update, the Sound Sensors have also been reworked and have received some visual and functional changes. In this video, I’ll be doing some initial testing on what the new Sound Sensor readings correspond to.
00:00 Introduction
00:52 Mission 1 – Tanglewood
10:19 Mission 2 – Edgefield
15:49 Hunt Testing
I personally don't like the new truck screens at all…
Also those garage doors are replaced with a normal door now I don't like it…
I cant figure out how to turn them on in VR
Amelia has such a soothing voice, the both of you are such a relaxing combo 😌
I like the response of the new sound sensors. Needs tweaks, like maybe let spikes stay up an extra second. But picking up both ghost and human sounds is cool. I do agree though the reason for the sound sensors seems less functional now with the larger area. Outside of finding which floor the ghost is on. They should rethink what they want the sound sensors to achieve. Atm temp gun and sound sensor are fighting for the same job of finding the ghost. So, maybe adding in the ability to listen from the van, or something like that would help. But yeah, needs more functionality or direction of the solution the sound sensor is supposed to solve.
Another door slammer has been found
I really like the concept of tracking the ghost during a hunt. If your team gets caught out on a big map and you were on a supply run, these, in tandem with setting up spare cameras, could make warning your friends about where it is much easier. Imagine saving your friend on campsite by telling them the ghost is closing on their position early, giving them the time needed to hide. Quite powerful, I think.
Edit – One addition they could make is have the map readout 'ping' the general area of a sound event. Maybe have a cone extending outward to indicate direction? Best I can tell, this sound sensor rework could be a case of actively tracking the ghost, rather than narrowing it's location down.
I like the new sensor. I know there is the issue with overlap, but i think that can be used to help too, if planned correctly.
I think it has more flexibility
I don’t use the sound sensors for finding the room as I can just use a paramic to do the same thing without walking to and from the van, but I love putting a sensor down inside the room so I can track when the ghost interacts with stuff in the van while on nightmare, almost like a makeshift activity chart
more videos from the new update please I love your content and I'm a newbie to the game you teach so much
lol they thought they made things better, but now sound sensors desync easily, and despite their best efforts to fix doors, they're more broken than ever! LOL! in all fairness, coding is hard, and i assume hotfixes will be rolled out soon.
so the devs broke the sound sensors… welp…
The overlap can be super useful when pinpointing the ghost location (as shown here by the nursery activating both nearby sensors).
btw Spirit box gives a constant 50% when it's on