When Did This Get So Hard?! | Phasmophobia | Full Stream from June 30th, 2021

Jeremy teams up with Larry, Jarren, and Aaron to hunt some ghosts in Phasmophobia!

You can watch future content live at www.twitch.tv/DooleyNotedGaming


28 thoughts on “When Did This Get So Hard?! | Phasmophobia | Full Stream from June 30th, 2021”

  1. My thought process during the second mission was pretty funny and straight forward

    "He caught Jeremy like it was NOTHING, probably a Revenant"
    Ghost Writing with bonus "Can't Run"
    "Aaaah, a Rev with a sense of humor! Classic!"

    Okay, in all fairness, I haven't played in a WHILE, so I knew nothing of Hantus.
    Good to see a Hantu with a sense of humor

  2. The difficulty needs to be at the place where Jeremy survives and all his friends died in the missions. I get the feeling that he is not going to do this for a while. If you don't have the time to watch the full video,1:41:04 sums up the whole night

  3. Seeing them confused by the somewhat obvious Jinn on Prison was pretty funny to watch. Especially with their bizarre focus on it being a Phantom or a Banshee despite it clearly not being freezing.

    I guess Jeremy also wasn't aware that ghosts aren't brainless anymore. Happened a decent few patches ago but they'll always go to where they last saw someone in a hunt and it kept chain spotting Jeremy all the way back to his hiding spot in the cell. (Anytime the grudge noise plays means you're in its line of sight.) Doubt any of the props in a cell are solid enough to hide you either so it's like trapping yourself in an empty square room after it opens the cell door and sees you sitting there like a frog. Jinns are also incredibly fast so it had no problem following him back to the cell assuming the power was on (hard to tell when the boys don't utilize any lights in the Prison).

  4. Been quite a few patches since I've seen anyone play this game so correct me if I'm wrong. The prison with the Jinn not showing any clues, thought that was a well known bug for a time. Don't know the context of the bug but I remember another content creator talking about it. Ghost will just randomly stop giving clues.

  5. He complains about the increase in difficulty while stumbling around with a book like an idiot.
    Does he not understand HOW to locate the ghost first BEFORE bringing other shit in like a writing utensil?


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