In this Phasmophobia series you have to figure out the ghost on your own completely based on behavior. Do you have what it takes to complete this?
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What type of ghost is this in your opinion?
I legit forgot mimics exist for a moment… I was so confused when it was clearly a deo but knowing you had already hid from it the faster hunt I was like well its not a thaye cause it would be slower now…
Me and mimics are not friends anyway after I had one mimic an onryo and hide its fingys from me yesterday though it kept touching the basement doors…
Not happy…
It became drastically slow at the 17:05 mark, but it couldn't be a Thaye, Hantu, The Twins, or Moroi as it was normal speed during all the previous hunts, so it must be The Mimic.
That was exciting!
Yes, please keep doing more.
Youtube added like a little comment bar right below the likes and dislikes and it ended up spoiling the ghost type for me. Damn.
Urm idk. I'm guessing Jinn. But yeah once you play nightmare you can't go back to playing normal mode. Can't wait for the difficulty update.
First thoughts, being passive… Thaye/shade
Normal speed hunt, but too early for shade, hm… Myling… Maybe?
Then deo hunt, oh hello there mimic lol.
Next hunt thaye/moroi, those are spooky
Damn nearly every comment spoils the ghost. The top comment is selected to be displayed the moment you click on the video itself, and it’s hard to miss it unless you’re specifically trying not to. I even tried not to look but my brain saw and processed the word “mimic” on my periphery and it was instantly spoiled whilst the video was still loading lmao.
I know Psycho can’t do anything about that and it’s on me to be ultra super careful in the future, but just sharing my unfortunate experience lmao. I’m sure there’ll be others.
Edit: ok now I am reading other comments fully and there’s quite a lot of us that couldn’t help but see the comment unwillingly and had it spoiled. And it’s occurred to me maybe you could help Psycho! Could you add a bit to your intro or pinned comment about making sure people only comment revealing information about the video after like 3-4 lines of text?
This is my new favorite thing I swear!
I think I need to stop watching this series. For some reason, the "normal" ghost speed in your videos sounds a lot faster to me than it does in the game when I'm playing. Every time I watch one of these videos and go back to playing for myself, I start getting ghosts wrong because the "normal" ghost speed when I'm playing sounds so much slower than the video I just got done watching. I'm not sure why this is though. I haven't had that problem anywhere else.
Thaye (sp) based on hunt loop speed in the kitchen?
Bro I am big fan .I have been watching your all videos for 2 years.I can say You are the best Phasmophobia player❤
19:15 this part was amazing 🤣
Shade > myling > hantu >deogen> some fast ghost>the mimic
Took me sometime to figure it out lol
Haha, that was amazing! Finally, The Mimic 😀
Spoiler time!!!
That Deogen(?) hunt gave it away for me. At first I was super confused, but then the next hunt confirmed it for me!! It suddenly became really fast and didn't find you instantly, which told me that it was a mimic >:)
Yeah at first i thought it was a shade since it did literally nothing,
and i couldve been a shade…
but then the hunt speed changed to snail and the hunt after was fast so then it was clear why i thought it was a shade at first.
its a mimic! gota be!
Show us … too many times
I thought Shade at first, then got Mare vibes. Finally after that I realized "oh no, that's a Mimic"
Always glad to see another of these, thank you for keeping us spoiled with new episodes 🙂
At the end, I was thinking either Moroi or Mimic, So glad I caught on to the Deogen hunt otherwise I would have assumed Moroi
The Mimic rolling into Myling and then Revenant did it for me, hunts op.
does a raiju get activated by flashlights? even if they aren't on and just in hand? I never really know when to mark that ghost off
Holy did it switch from a shade to a deo to a thaye all in the span 3 hunts? Haha
19:21 – the hunt before this i was suspicious, now confirmed, classic Mimic lol!
9/10 I'll take that A- lol
Eric kept me guessing this whole video, at least until he hunted at the end. I was wondering when we were going to get a Mimic in this series! Good job, Eric