When You Use Radios in Phasmophobia

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Featuring: Leo Kade

Low dopamine levels are bad and this is all about not that!

#phasmophobia #IRL #sketches


35 thoughts on “When You Use Radios in Phasmophobia”

  1. Now that's meta
    God, why does such a masterpiece does not getting any views?.. I've found your channel just by an accident, not even youtube recommendation
    Man, what is wrong with that algorithm? :<

    Anyway – great job!

  2. Oh this got way too meta for me 😀 (Also, whenever Ian from Eurogamer played Phasmo in VR pre-update, he'd always touch his chest to use the radio so my brain just assumed the radio was always there!)

  3. I hate that people are using V to talk 95% of time in game. Including when they speak about crucial things, like finding evidence or "it's a Demon, let's get out of here". So I'm feeling dumb constantly pressing my B and ask "guys, did you find anything?" Leo, you can do a sketch on this btw xD Also players have no idea that you can't hear each other over the doorstep. I once have got three guys that were shouting "enter the house, we need you here" for two minutes while I was standing outside, they never realized I heard nothing of that and none of them used radio to speak 😀
    Added: I only realized they wanted something from me when all three character models started to stare at me xDDD And I was "are you talking to me?"


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