Where To Hide On Small Maps For Beginners! Phasmophobia Pro Tips And Tricks

#phasmophobiaguide #phasmophobiatips


I get a lot of questions from new Phasmophobia players so I decided to make the ultimate guide for new players! I hope you find this helpful!

This guide shows new players how to survive and hide during hunts on Tanglewood and Willow Street!

You may know me from tiktok as the Ouija board guy who screams a lot! I’m a “pro level” 4500+ Phasmophobia player (1000+ hours) that does challenges regularly. I also play primarily on nightmare mode! If you are a Phasmophobia beginner and need some helpful tips and guides or you want to watch some funny moments unfold then be sure to follow me on twitch!

Join me live on twitch every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday!


7 thoughts on “Where To Hide On Small Maps For Beginners! Phasmophobia Pro Tips And Tricks”

  1. I’m going to be real honest.

    I started playing about 3 weeks ago, I watched all your beginner videos and while there are other videos out there, they’re not as well structured or short as yours. The playlist is a really good idea and I’d love to see it grow. Super informative and consistent and beginner friendly

  2. I just started a few days ago and I watched your beginners guide on how to hunt ghosts and now I’m watching this one. Your information has been awesome so far and I look forward to watch more videos from you, definitely earned a subscriber out of me.


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