☄️RAAAAAAAAWR!! It’s Chio Chompi!! I’m the smallest dinosaur you’ll ever see!!
【 Send your tips here! 】
General Tag: #ChioChompi
Live Tag: #ChiOnline
Art Tag: #Dinosartist
Clip Tag: #BitesizedChio
Meme Tag: #Chiheehee
1. Be kind and respectful. No harassment of any kind.
2. Please stay on topic when chatting.
3. Do not bring up or mention any other VTubers unless Chio brings them up first.
4. No spamming or trolling.
5. Absolutely no spoilers or backseating unless Chio asks for help.
6. English only please.
Thank you~!!
Thank you for the stream Chio and Scarlett :3
Thanks for the stream chio
great stream
VOD gang! Thanks Chio for the collab and hope you had lots of fun with the ghost hunting with Scarlett. o7