Why Using Tier 3 Smudge IS WRONG!!! #phasmophobia #phasmophobiagame #trending #gaming
Welcome To My Channel! I play all things phasmophobia and horror games. Please subscribe to the channel to stay up to date on phasmophobia releases as well as new and upcoming horror games.
If you are new to phasmophobia, I have several videos that can help!
New Player Full Playthrough:
New Player 101 Guide:
Nightmare Mode Guide:
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everyone has preference, I like t3 cause Im usually only smudging to escape a hunt near a corner
That’s actually a good point. I didn’t think of it that way.
Thank you for the tip!
The smudge and thermometer are the only things I don’t use tier 3 items. Your tips are always helpful!
Tier 3 can help to defend others. If you’re the smudgeman, you can halt the ghost while everyone runs. Tier 1 and 2 can only defend you and leave the ghost to pick someone else. I’ve smudged countless times to save myself only for the ghost to pick off my friend instead. 1&2 are good defense, but 3 can be used offensively, especially by multiple people.
Yeah I find using a lot of the tier 2 stuff is better than tier three, especially EMF and thermometer (Thats just my opinion)
I have alao had plenty of ghosts turn around and follow me while the ghost is smudged. And tier 2 does the same thing as tier 3 just doesn't last as long.