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Why are you a crustacean?
4:30 I think Cath just got possessed IRL :O
Why is jake a lobster???
I cant ask for anything better for my day off. There isn't
Ellis, you have my sympathy for the tattoo you have to get.
That tattoo for Alex is fantastic, definitely wins just out of sheer hilarity. Only thing that could have improved it would have been to have had Yum Yum on the chest rather than live life yum.
If any of you lot actually read these comments then just want to say great job with the charity stream and thanks for the archive, makes it easier to watch streams and really helps when you despise twitch.
those tattos are absolutely inspired. I love alex's live laugh yum, ellis' pandaz 4 life, and gabby's juicy bee. absolutely amazing! that is definitely one way to get me on instagram lol
Yall make me happy
can i kindly ask, what the fuck happened to cath at the start jajaja
Why is jonk dress as a prawn?
prego prego prego very prego
Yes yes yes! You don't want to know how happy this makes me… I've been rewatching the phasmo Playlist on a near monthly basis and i absolutely love it! Genuinely hope to see you guys playing this more often again.