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Phasmophobia: Apocalypse Update
Welcome back to Phasmophobia! Today, Icy, Skilly and I try out the new “Apocalypse” update! It’s massive and spooky. Let’s play Phasmophobia!
→ @IcyCaress
→ @SkillyMcFilly
More Phasmophobia:
Second channel: @IIGP
If you want more Phasmophobia Apocalypse gameplay, let me know down below!
More from IGP:
Subnautica Modded:
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The Isle:
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Siren Head:
Folklore Hunter:
Witch Hunt:
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey:
SCP Containment Breach:
SCP Containment Breach Unity:
Edge of Nowhere:
Generation Zero:
Phasmophobia on Steam:
About Phasmophobia:
Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as much evidence as you can.
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im honestly so sick of icy getting frustrated so easily and doing that shrill yell every five seconds on every video like dude needs a new niche or to chill out its such a mf bad vibe and so annoying to have to sit through it literally makes any video stressful and annoying
Phasmophobia on Apocalypse mode (x24 multiplier) is fucking terrifying
h20 delirouws
I love the winding up 😁
Please bring back this series with Icy and Drae! It’s the best thing to watch on YT
who else got baited by the sponsored ad
15:44 – Karma comes a knockin for both
7:14 you can see a cross upside down on the wall
poor Icy 🙁
Yaya dad- i meant to say my fav youtuber is back
Finally the classic phasmo. Can’t beat the grown men wailing in fear. You guys are awesome
Love the game and your content. Perfect combo
Here is a real question to keep you up at night.
You're invited to work as an extra for an upcoming horror movie. You're playing the part of a young woman/man who is on a cruise ship when suddenly it starts sinking and you need to get to the nearby island, a pretty cliche plot. As you near the island the shop ACTUALLY STARTS SINKING aftercit collides with a surprise coral reef. Everyone gets to the island safe and sound but you realize that only a handful of people are capable enough to give you a chance of servival since the movie was being filmed on a tight budget.
Who do you choose to keep close to?
A) The 16 year old nerd (boy or girl) with no medical or survival knowledge but instead has a vast wealth of information from books that they can use to their advantage.
B) A young 17 year old boy who is NOT certified to preform any medical procedures but due to his mother having studied to be a doctor he's read the text books cover to cover and he's all you have in teems of being able to, for example, remove a parasitic creature from within your body.
C) A 45 year old man who claims to have been in the armed services but was really the guy tasked with cleaning around the boot camp. Regardless, he has enough military knowledge to keep you alive in a fight against an opponent roughly the same size as you though he's unable to do much else.
D) The tennage assistant with a deep fascination with the paranormal, supernatural, and the occult. They weird you out and you don't believe in anything that they talk about but when mysterious sounds blair out on the island at night, you immediately turn to them for answers due to the unsettling sounds being too distorted and unnatural to be anything normal.
E) The group of teenage extras… they're pretty much useless to help you but you can't just leave them on their own.
Me personally, I have no idea who I'd choose. If I could, I'd choose to be the one to keep them all together. But for the sake of the question lets just assume that everyone gathers in groups because they all have differing plans of surviving meaning that you can only pick one before they are persuaded into a group.
Skilly thought he awakened Frankenstein or smth.. 15:53
wheres drae?
oooooh Phasmo got an upgrade….?…..bring on the squealing girl crew!!!! xD lol xxx
Lol the intro with skilly screaming was great
It’s kinda not the same without drae in phasmophobia but ik it’s prolly just this video
after the new update they have ruined the game for me cnat even get fullscreen
Say, what happened with Drae? Did they have a fight or…?
Thing that annoys me about this game is the same death animation. No flip around and kill or anything fancy, just some hands grabbing your head. Could at least add some blood or something in there, snap the character’s necks til you see the ghost or something
yes join us in the after life
You know what would be quite scary.. if the ghost could take over dead bodies. Imagin your partner is now peeking at you behind the coner, but he died a few min ago.
Edit: Oh other interactions with dead bodies, like dragging your teammate bodies to her "place"
The Dots Projector i have found works on camera only in night vision mode in the truck
8:12 Has THE PIT vibes and I love it!
There are 4 different sections of the asylum during a hunt they all get locked making the map smaller so your more likely to get found in a hunt
I like how instead of mourning the death of IGP, Skilly just kept the joke going on Icy about being in the courtyard. A true friend
The ad transition was smooth !
I could barley hear anyone.Anyone else can hear ?
this gives off "a married gay couple bully their bottom friend" energy
Bro, Can you play "the store is closed"?
Bro I’m literally crying 😂
The scottish person screaming, he's laying it on too thick. Please mute him
Phasmo is such a bad game now compared to the competition. Ghost Exile and Ghost Watchers are far far far better products.
I played Ghost Exile once and it was so much better I instantly uninstalled Phasmo
just wait till they find out the Chapel secret XD
11:38 igp laugh caught me off-guard that was weird and funny at the sametime
more phasmophobia videos!
Holly molly!! I was about to if You're going to play Phasmophobia again because it has big uptade, and you did it! Absolutely love it 💓 thank you IGP, please keep this series alive as it is my favorite 💓💓💓
I think I realized why I subbed to IGP
He Sounds Handsome lmao
I don't know if i am seeing things that aren't there but almost everytime these try to get a ghost on camera or the laser thingy or both, the ghost never shows up. So maybe they should that to keep themselves safe.
In case you didn't know, it's much easier to see the ghost image running through the DOTS if the camera is on night vision mode. Still funny as always guys 😀
I've been waiting for this and only a few days ago commented on a video saying we need you guys back on some horror like phasmophobia lol what timing
It hear a rumor the close door they will lock in hard or nightmare difficulty but i didn't know that it was true until now
Some months ago they make it so you can't run from the ghost, you need to hide in a spot that the ghost can't see you or your flashlight and doesn't hear any electronic device.
Fact smart people are fun to watch then the do something crazy or damn
I hope they update the kill animations instead of just the hands over the face its going to get old soon maybe have ghost pick up a knife or something to kill you or multiple random death animations to make it scarier
YOOO I forgot about phasmo for a few months and now they have this, hooly shit. i love the devs
We need more eps with this update🥺
They say he's still in the courtyard to this day
Hi Igp,icy and skilly! Happiness is when you see your notifs on screen with Igp's icon. Wow! Finally our wish has been granted that you'll play Phasmophobia again. Thank you guys
I've watch this on icy's but it's more fun when it comes to Igp's channel. Please more Phasmophobia again