WRAITH TOO EASY? #phasmophobia


14 thoughts on “WRAITH TOO EASY? #phasmophobia”

  1. I wonder, I said that in the salt video, but did you already knew it as I wrote the comment? Or did you hear it the first time with my comment? Would be kinda cool if I would've been… the origin… of everything…

  2. [This is an elaborated comment, might take your time. Also, English isn't my first language, so pardon the mistakes.]

    Wraith's teleportation is undoubtedly one of the coolest aspect of Phasmophobia. NO OTHER ghosts give me as solid jumpscares as a Wraith. Always teleporting on top of me and triggering a Ghost Event right after is absolutely terrifying for me (in a good way obviously, it's a horror game after all).

    It's kinda sad to see that Wraith indirectly got nerfed, because the higher tier Salts are amazing (though balanced, IMO). So I personally think Wraith should receive a few tweaks (mostly buffs) here and there so that we will have to take Wraiths seriously. And I want to share my suggestions on how it can be implemented:

    1. We all know how often the Banshee uses its roaming ability towards its target. IMO, Wraith should have the same (or at least much higher than current) rate of using its teleportation ability towards any player inside the map. Which will also increase the rate of initiating Hunts from very unexpected locations; which itself can be an immense threat.
    Now you can say this will giveaway the Wraith very easily through the random EMF Level 2 signals. To mitigate that, the random EMF 2 signals should move from the current target player's spot to the Wraith's original spot (which mostly will be its Favorite Room anyway), to somewhat block the players to think that it may be a Wraith teleportation, and to think that the EMF 2 signal is probably not random.

    2. On top of that, Wraith should also receive a Jinn-like passive Sanity-draining ability. But it'll only be for a low amount, such as ~5% Sanity deduction from the player which the Wraith just teleported to.

    3. If you add up the above two buffs, you will realize how much of a threat the Wraith could be. The first Hunt will feel like an early Hunt, but you'll see that somehow your team's average sanity is already below 50% (and that Hunt pretty much will be from an unexpected location as well)! You will still be able to EASILY identify the Wraith through the Salt test, (which according to this video of Psycho, you won't even need a Motion Sensor anymore!) but at least it'll be able to cause at least some sort of early threat before giving itself away. Also, more teleporting Ghost Events mean more jumpscares xD


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