Welcome back to Phasmophobia! In this video we are doing a No Evidence Challenge! In this challenge you are not allowed to use any evidence collection items. Which means that you have to find the ghost based purely on their strengths, weaknesses, behaviour and hidden abilities. It is a super fun and educational way to play the game! I really hope you learned a few new tricks! Much love and see you during the streams 😀
I stream every day on https://www.twitch.tv/insym
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Intro art by: https://twitter.com/ImagimationA
NOTE: This video was recorded on Phasmophobia update v0.5.1.1
There are a bunch of awesome challenges to do in this game but nothing beats no evidence in my opinion. I love being able to put all of that obscure knowledge to good use and really get to know the ghost behavior
I have a question that I wasn't able to find recent answers.. when you start the game the radio guy says things like "left in a hurry" or "there's been reports of violence" do they mean something?? Like if the ghosts are more friendly or aggressive etc?
Chat in second run make me crazy. People keep yelling “it’s Shade 100%”
Shade can’t even hunt above 35% and Insym got hunt early
And Shade is less likely show themselves in ghost event and Insym got 2 or 3 ghost event
Why these people is so bad even Insym explained it
Day 1 of saying how my day is: im good how about u?
1:03:10 bear in mind that from the moment you open the door it can interact with stuff which means it had 35 minutes and 3 seconds to do 70 interactions, just over 2 a minute, and for all you know it could have been a douche canoe and done 10 of those every time you left the house xD however the question would be, does the interactions during hunts count to the total i.e throws things around, opens doors etc. during hunts
What a gentle demon 😄 .. everytime I run into one these guys, it hunts me literally 5 seconds after I enter the house for the first time. 😅
@Insym I did some science: Onryo is easy to figure out when you put candles in the room and he is not hunting. I had a run against one and he didnt hunt at 0 sanity for 15 minutes because i kept the candles going.
how is the ghost not hunting you, when im gonna do this its hunting me D:
2:30 thats what she said lol
Do you have a video of where you talking about all the ghosts abilities? All your tips and tricks on playing the game, what a “blink” means etc etc I love the way you play and all your knowledge.
the only thing that stops me from doing stuff like this is that I rather not get hunted but with some ghosts it's mandatory, which I'm not saying is bad, just said why I don't do no evidence personally, since in the regular game I am the 70% sanity eat pill guy lol
I can Identify Ghosts by their name !
Ok so lucky round for me
So i was playing bleasdale with my boyfriend and we got hunted and he died, it was on professional and i didnt want to risk the game for my stupidity so i sat at the tv in the truck watching cameras, we only had emf 5 and ghost orbs, so i just sitting there and the chair moves, and i start thinking and overthinking on why the chair moved, why would a chair move if it isnt gonna leave evidence, so my mine immediately went to fingerprints and so i picked obake, told my boyfriend why, we packed it up and yup, proudest clutch 💀
on willow the ghost can get out of bounds on the stairs and then tries to do an interaction there, probably. because it can't use an object, it still counts as an interaction that did nothing
0:47 "we gonna have to use all of our brain i hope it is gonna work" the brain right ? KEKW
now now it probably rolled the paint cans left and right lol
wait i thought the doll was your fav? is it not as good anymore?
i once was dealing a hantu which turn on the breaker itself ,and that was weird.
I just did a game in Phasmophobia on Nightmare mode with starter items, identified the ghost with 0 evidence which was a Poltergeist, very helpful
me before the end of the first round: yea maybe a mimic hiding freezing
Me who has to finish the game like this every single time :'(
Awesome video Insym. Highly educational indeed.
but how did you know the first one was a rev? is it the slowest when not in sight of a player?
One thing I've noticed from doing an No Evidence run is that an Obake can be found out using salt. The footprints disappear much quicker than normal ghosts. At least for me anyways when I did it and so far have been right.
btw i got a wraith but does Wraith step in salt because in the book it says it has a toxic reaction to salt and it never or barely touches the ground and then it goes in salt is that a bug or is it not.???
Where can i find info like this? Is there any site, where this is gathered? Great video!
Just subscribed to you after watching for a few days; you have some great information in your videos; I'd love to see more on how to tell which ghost is what. I actually started taking notes from your videos. Great work Insym!
I’ve had super violent and aggressive shades and a demon with social anxiety.
Me and my friends had a Goryo on Edgefield that did DOTS while I was around and also roamed from the garage to the kitchen which blew my mind but I guess that was cursed Edgefield for you lol
27:18 What did he just say xddd
There was this one time, i played with my friends and we got a very active ghost. Keeps on ringing the phone and throwing items. We thought it was an Oni at first. After getting all the evidences, it point towards the Shade… We were like 'Holy shade, that is one active Shade 😂😂'
Doesnt interactions during hunts count?