You Solve It #12 and thoughts on upcoming update – Phasmophobia

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21 thoughts on “You Solve It #12 and thoughts on upcoming update – Phasmophobia”

  1. Great to see Dusk play Phasmo again! Hopefully the next patch ropes him back in for at least another week or two of Phasmo content. Though I understand his lack of passion to play because of the ease of the current game, it would be awesome to see Phasmo back in the cycle of games that he does play.

  2. Haven't done one of these in a while, was fun. The video cam on the nightstand kind of makes me want ghosts that can interact with them as if they were players (except hunting, of course). Go out to the truck to look for orbs and see the ghost walk up to the cam and stare at it, or shut it off, etc.

  3. The dev needs to do something about lockers being 100% safe. Even closets are close, but when the ghost is able to fully open the doors, there will be at least some danger there. But lockers are just EZ mode, and THAT needs to be changed.

  4. "Oh. No! Thats there. Thats the EMF 5!"
    What did he see? After looking at this scene a couple times i cannot see anything there.
    What am i missing that makes you know that its a EMF 5?

  5. the games gone to trash, i did a test with my gf to see how difficult the game is, we went in professional maps only and literally purposely got our insanity to 0% both of us, and we did multiple tests, we would hide in the closet while hes hunting but talk and make noise to see if he would come, NOPE, we would then hide in the closet with the doors open and make noise while hes hunting, NOPE, we then literally would just stand in the middle of the hallway while hes hunting to see if we would die NOPE, we did this on multiple maps, houses, prison, even in the rooms that the ghosts were located in while hes hunting and he didnt kill us once, couldnt be a glitch because we did it about 4-5 different maps, the game is just to easy. literally allowing the ghost to kill us and he doesnt.

  6. Honestly I was way off to tell you how rusty I was even being level 300+ What evidence I got was EMF lvl 5, Finger Prints and Ghost Writing. Honestly I thought it was a poltergeist from it moving stuff around like it did while watching the camera but derped out about the ghost orbs not being there. These videos are refreshing because they remind you even if you have played it for a long time if you have taken a break from it you can come back forgetting some things you had hardwired in your brain. Great video Dusk!

  7. I think higher difficulty ghosts need more roamers. Ghosts who don't just deploy the landing lights to the Ghost Room with the smallest provocation.
    There's also the super-rare event where ANY ghost can potentially hunt immediately.
    Basically, add some more variation to the types and their personalities. Then maybe, consider new challenges/game modes where ID'ing the ghost is just step 1.
    But the game is in a really good spot now, from a technical perspective. It runs butter smooth compared to back when I first started in October.

  8. Hey Dusk. I had a question for you (I posted this on another video but wanted to hopefully make sure you'd see it as I'm very interested in your thoughts on it).

    With the upcoming updates, do you maybe think the game is gonna get too hard in the wrong sort of way? Next update has the ghosts all getting faster (except the Rev, but that bastard is fast enough lol), and the update after that has the ghosts being able to fully open all doors, including lockers. Meaning, we can't run, and depending on RNGsus, we can't hide.

    I feel like what it needs is faster ghosts, sure (the whole looping thing is silly in my book), but more evidence types, or more ghosts. I dunno. I'm still mulling it over myself, but I do worry about how the game will play in the long run with these changes.

    I love hard games, favorite series being Dark Souls, but damn man. I'd like a fair shot at it at least, y'know?

  9. just making the ghosts faster alone isn't gonna be enough… it's a start but the game desperately needs more diversity regarding the ghost; not only how the behave but also how they can be a danger to the player. we need ghosts that are fast, ghosts that are invisible, ghosts that try to use items and furniture to throw at and hurt the player, ghosts that drag the players and hold them back (for example at the door, so they cannot leave before a hunt), ghosts that drain the energy of a flashlight for exmaple… there is a ton of things possible, smaller and bigger scale, but we need more than ghosts that basically all do the same. i know the point is to identify the ghosts and mechanics like that could more or less destroy the whole investigation part… part but honestly; is the investigation part still so good/important? how long does it take you to identify the ghost if you rush it? 2 min tops?

    honestly i am kind of done with this small updates (e.g. make the ghost open closet doors…) yeah,… nice but c'mon. focus on these 3 important big things:

    1. new equipment (SLR, Nightvision, Teddy Bear, REM stuff,… infrared camera,… etc.)
    2. new ghost (also specific) things and ways to kill (sneaky, throwing, grabbing, dragging, stabbing, screaming,…)
    3. new levels (appartment, mansion, new house)

    also consider: keep the players in the house more (= more sanity drain, more hunts, more excitment) for example by making up to 3 ghost rooms, so people need to split up not only each other but also the equipment and travel between ghost rooms,…


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