We are determined to become professional ghost hunters in Phasmophobia.
*Disclaimer: This is a horror game and may not be suitable for all ages.
Phasmophobia “Cheat Sheet”
►Impulse’s wife has an Etsy store. You can check it out here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DesertMeadowsDesign
Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/impulseSV
Imp & Skizz: https://www.youtube.com/impandskizz
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/impulseSV
Instagram: https://instagram.com/impulsesv_yt
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@impulsesv_yt
Website: https://impulsesv.com/
Wahoo for phasmo upload! Thanks for the video and the laughs Impulse!
My draw dropped during those no evidence runs. I'm living vicariously through Impulse because there's no way I can do that in Phasmo 😊
Impulse making Skizz cuss made me die of laughter 😂😂
I have a challenge for Gem and Grian they must go into the house with only house evidence items that includes a camera so they can set one up in the room once they find that room.
The other team can bring them equipment but cannot go into the house with grian and gem.
This challenge also applies to scar if he plays.
Rules they can come out for sanity pills if they're sanity is below 30%
If dots and orbs are found they have to find the house evidence of ghost writing, EMF fingerprints, spirit box and cannot come out until those items are found.
Can come out if one of them dies legitimately from the ghost and not if by accident they leave equipment on.
A team member of the other team may replace the other person who has died , but can leave if there is too long of a wait for any other evidence.
Game mode must be set on professional just to make it easy
FYI Parabolic Microphone is not included in evidence as it does not count towards the evidence book.
Does anyone remember the mannequin moving in the live stream 6/16/2022 at ( 1:39:01 )do not use this time in this video.
I can't believe he didn't see that immediately.
I love in the second house the minute they find the room at 48:00 minutes the ghost spawns right in him and he's like is that enough proof for you chat goodbye I'm done😂.
I agreed why is everyone else in the van and you're the only one in the house, although you got your revenge on him a little bit down further in the stream oops someone forgot about their teammate.
You found the ghost at 2:56:45😂🤣 when it literally spawned on you again.
I can't believe you didn't have a camera at the moment that one ghost showed itself in the garage and at the end you almost had five correct guesses at the end😢.
That was amazing that you got four out of five.
37:30 is the highlight.
Gotta love how impulse sold it by not laughing or smiling during the haunt
The Divergent books are soooo much better than the movies. The movies were a dissapointment tbh
Hey Impulse, my name is Alex, and yesterday was my mom's birthday. Today, she ended up in the hospital and has to get surgery because she's likely got sepsis, and I was wondering if you could maybe give her a "birthday you yo" next time you stream for her. It would really mean a lot. I hope everyone else is okay. Good night everyone.
I just checked the wiki: the black salt can be used as a barrier to keep roaming ghosts in a spot and can affect a ghosts pace by making them slower by 2s 🙂
cant wait for more phas I love this !
Is Impulse and Skizz silently beefing
puh-LEASE play zero evidence mode with Grian, he's really gotten good at feelin the ghost type in his bones and it's either going to be hilarious or impressive
quick thing i learned: when you unlite a lighter, it counts as a flame going out for an onryo (if you are close enough)
the goofy voices that impulse was doing in this stream is like….so me when i play games. or puzzles. i get a little crazy with puzzles. idk y
I was cheering along so hard with y’all when you correctly got the zero evidence runs, those were INSANE!💜 Ahh I can’t wait to get a new computer and try this game out for myself, my current one won’t run the game properly
Finally I've been getting withdrawl, this is my lifeline istg
that banshee game was AGONY, lol
Im honestly Intriguied by this pumpkin pie, we don't do Thanksgiving in my country, but that sounds delicious 😋.
Skizz, I hate to break it to you but I think that "younger than some buildings" quote is from Friends, not Baseketball!
watching this whilst troubleshooting some of my coding homework and its great since running this takes like 15 minutes every time
Impulse for hell's sake please do some solo runs and actually get good enough to not die like every nightmare or insanity run.
nothing but i wish they bring back the whispering spirit box voice
I think it would be fun for phasmo to add a house with a split foyer
These streams have inspired me to get this game! My friends and I like to play games together saturday nights sometimes and we've been stuck just playing Left for Dead for awhile, and I convinced them to try this one out! Always happy to watch these vods! 🙂
We definitely need to get Gem, Grian, and Scar to play Vade Retro Exorcist. Grian would have so much fun as a demon. 😂
Now we need a full video of 12x games
the way I really didn’t notice skizz died during the movie discussion 😭
If the ghost is a hantu the freezing breath isnt on the ghost its on the player as if your in the ghost room
Hiii! I was wondering what settings you use to stream but still have voice chat work in game so you can hear your friends and interact with the ghost?