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BRO I love your videos
ur my favorite zombies youtuber
wish the map was as good as the video idea
The bus do be detailed
Tight like a tiger, van like van😂😁. Keep it up guys, also lovin the new minecraft series.
Sup guys
Heyo! Please reply for more heyos!
Love this man I always watch him everyday
I could see the similarities
Living in a van down by the river.
I just wanna know if you guys read your comments pls give me a sign
This does look like Van though
Love it. Love it all!!!
Another video of Gunns getting scared right on keep up the amazing work Meaty and Gunns 👍🏻
I have watched you guys for so long and you guys are nice about map creators but this one you guys were dogging this map for “not looking like phasmaphobia” but it is a good look for a little van and I could even guess it was the van from the game even if it didn’t say it was. I don’t know but I know if this was one of my maps that would not make me feel good about making maps anymore
I love these little maps
I have a map idea for any one to make the make is called shotgun hell shotguns only the map should be a maze map and there should be perk a hlick Easter egg by shooting signs or something big to see there should be fillers that drop shotguns all the zombies shotguns
Lik the map lol
Hello Youalwayswin Nice Video Call of duty Zombies 💯 Different Map Van Next Map
This map would have been better if they included the house and the ghost as the zombie skins
U guys may not care for this map, but i appreciate the contents because of it.🤣
11:30 yea, many high round strats dont use circles because it takes too long and the game might crash or internet will go down or whatever, on black ops 3 it’s much better because of special ammo from double pack (you can just wait for the cooldowns) and those really strong wonder weapons but a slow strat can always fail for external reasons, they’re definitely the most consistent and simple, but wont always be the highest round games
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It’s tight like a tiger! >:)
Love your vids Meaty and Gunns
"We miss harder things to find…" lol 🙂 They miss a fair number of easy and obvious things too… Long Live YAW! Fun video though I think you may have been a wee bit harsh on the map; there were obvious similarities. Anyway, keep up with the fun!
Now this is my type of map! Starts easy and easy I’m sure once I fight the temptation of sleep I’ll find it challenging
Stand in one spot you say? Quick someone make a map where you can't move.
I love y’all’s videos brings back good times!!!
Love y’all hope everything great for y’all!
Will you guys play battlefield 2042 I usedto love ur bf4 vids
I tried to look to see if you guys ever played prision mission from waw, but I couldn't find the video. I'd love to see you guys revisit it some time!
"King of Downs" Aiuuuughyygghh
Any zombie map is fun with YAW!