『Phasmophobia』BOO! 👻CARI TUMBAL w/ kobo & kaela

Collab with @Kaela Kovalskia Ch. hololive-ID @Kobo Kanaeru Ch. hololive-ID
★ Donasi lokal: https://sociabuzz.com/vestiazeta/tribe

#VestiaZeta #phasmophobia #holoid #hololive #vtuber

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Note
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Social Media / SNS

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Rules / Peraturan
【ID】Aturan yang perlu diingat saat streaming sedang berlangsung:
1) Harap bersikap baik dengan sesama penonton dan berkomentarlah dengan bahasa yang sopan.
2) Dimohon untuk tidak melakukan diskusi diluar topik pada kolom komentar.
3) Dimohon tidak melakukan spam dalam bentuk apa pun.
4) Dimohon untuk tidak mengumpat, mencela, atau berbicara dengan bahasa yang kasar.
5) Dimohon untuk jaga sikap saat komentar dan mohon jangan komentar hal-hal sensitif yang berbau SARA, politik, NSFW, dll.
6) Dimohon untuk tidak berdiskusi satu sama lain di waiting room.
7) Dimohon untuk tidak memberi komentar tentang Vtuber lain di waiting room/saat livestream apabila tidak dimulai lebih dulu oleh Vtuber yang sedang streaming karena bersifat kurang sopan.

【EN】Notice during the stream:
1) Please be nice with each other and comment using polite words.
2) Please keep the chat on-topic in relation to the stream.
3) Please do not spam.
4) Please do not swear, bash, or talk with any kind of foul language.
5) Please refrain from commenting about sensitive topics such as race, politics, NSFW, etc.
6) Please do not do any discussion in the waiting room.
7) Please do not mention or give any comment about other Vtuber during the livestream if the topic isn’t started first by the current streamer first because it would be considered impolite.


– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Hashtag
• General: #VestiaZeta
• Live: #ZecretLive
• Fanart: #Zetacrylic
• Asset: #Zetassets
• Meme: #deezeta
【AruTera Sensei】https://twitter.com/teraaru6262
【Tou Ilie Sensei】 https://twitter.com/tou_ilie

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Hololive Indonesia Gen 3
【Kaela Kovalskia】
• Channel: https://t.co/vHxzhWQMny
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaelakovalskia
• Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kaelakovalskia
【Kobo Kanaeru 】
• Channel: https://t.co/hAZaN3S6Op
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/kobokanaeru
• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kobokanaeru/
• Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kobokanaeru

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Credits
Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/audiophilevi_11
Overlay: https://www.twitter.com/flbtmrnn
Logo: https://www.twitter.com/Mi_grph3k
Stinger: https://www.twitter.com/rayquazamv
BGM: https://www.audiostock.jp/
Irasutoya: https://www.irasutoya.com/
Membership Emotes: https://www.twitter.com/_nicopiyo
Donation alert gif: https://twitter.com/hiwelloy
PNG reactive: https://twitter.com/mitsumine323

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Hololive
【Official cover website】
【Official YouTube Channel hololive Indonesia】
【Official Twitter hololive Indonesia】
【Official Facebook hololive Indonesia】

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Merch
Geekjack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hololive-indonesia-3rd

– ̗̀ ❤︎‬‪ ̖́- Timestamps
0:00:00 Intro
0:03:04 Opening & Free Talk
0:09:29 Game 1
0:32:31 Game 2
0:56:44 Game 3
1:18:43 Game 4
1:47:56 Game 5
2:13:35 Closing free talk
2:21:41 Donation Reading
2:37:38 Ending


25 thoughts on “『Phasmophobia』BOO! 👻CARI TUMBAL w/ kobo & kaela”

  1. Otsuzeta~ Makasih collab HoloH3ro kali ini!! makasih juga buat Ollie sudah bergabung. Main sendiri aja jadi komedi, main bareng tambah komedi lagi wkwk. Semangat buat minggu depan dan semoga cepet sembuh lambung nya Chief, oyasumi~

  2. Thank you for this chilling horror collab, Zeta! It was a great pleasure to watch you play Phasmophobia with Kaela and Kobo! Picking a map, each game had us thrilled as the three of you entered those haunted houses! Wandering through the dark rooms and hallways in search of ghosts! Once they started going on the prowl, the element of survival raised the stakes! Our trio showed exceptional teamwork in completing these missions! Even sharing some good laughs to liven up the night! Inviting Ollie for the last round was also a fun surprise!

    We’re glad to see that everyone enjoyed themselves! It looks like a new week is just around the corner! But let us take things slow! Since you need time to recover, rest and recuperate before you stream again! Your Zecretaries hope to see you soon! OtsuH3ro! 📜❤️

  3. We at Zecretary had a blast watching Zeta, Kobo, and Kaela play Phasmophobia together! Reaching into the shadows of ghosts, each mission was hilarious as the three of you entered haunted territory! On top of that, your friendly banter and lighthearted antics had us laughing out loud! Absolutely love how everyone shares the same chaotic energy! What a great comedy team!

    Thanks for this cute collab stream, Zeta!
    Overall, we're so happy that everyone enjoyed this ghost hunting trip! The three of you did a great job working together! The future has us excited for more HoloH3RO collaborations to come! OtsuH3RO!

  4. Otsuh3roes!
    It's been a while since the last holoh3ro collab and this has been a lot of fun. Good to know that all of you are good friends with each other.

  5. otsuholol3mao otsuholoh3ro makasih collabnya chief seru banget, kocak emang klo holoh3ro udah kumpul. makasih juga buat ollie sudah memeriahkan diakhir, sepuh memang beda

  6. OtsuH3ro and otsullie! thanks for the collab, its always fun watching three kusogaki playing games also thanks to ollie-senpai for joining the game!!!sasuga lv61 last but not least, gws zeta, hope tomorrow rest day is a REAL rest day, bcs u always said "ill rest tomorrow" and turns out we having a guerilla stream not tryin to babysit but plz take care healthy chief is zecretary a.k.a zetanism biggest happiness

  7. [ Timestamps ]
    00:00:00 Intro

    00:03:04 Opening + Free Talk

    00:09:29 Tanglewood Drive : Case 2 Dorothy Douglas

    00:28:49 Lobby

    00:32:31 Ridgeview Court : Case 3 Sarah Lavender

    00:52:04 Lobby

    00:56:44 Willow Street : Case 4 Billy Gacy

    01:14:27 Lobby

    01:18:43 Grafton Farmhouse : Case 5 Carol Ramirez

    01:39:08 Lobby

    01:47:56 Browstone High School : Case 6 Ruth Norris

    02:13:35 Lobby & Free Talk

    02:21:41 Donation and Super Chat reading

    02:37:38 Ending

    02:38:10 Secret Ending

    [Some Timestamps]

    00:04:12 Their character all same? Holoh3ro really a good one

    00:04:58 From this information, we know who is really play this game a lot

    00:06:53 They don’t know how to buy from shop and Kobo gonna carry the team?

    00:08:04 Glowstick? Let’s go idol time

    00:09:39 No equipment in here? They didn’t bring anything?

    00:11:12 Zeta said that cameraman in this game is the most easiest role

    00:14:09 Zeta is curious is Dorothy male or female

    00:16:43 Calling Dorothy and angry because no respond

    00:17:08 Kobo and Zeta calling Dorothy in French and Japanese

    00:18:14 Kobo calling Dorothy like selling a bread

    00:20:29 Found Dorothy? Dorothy gonna hunt someone

    00:22:29 Kobo provoke Dorothy

    00:24:01 Zeta thinks Dorothy is millennial ghost, this is typing era not writing manually

    00:24:52 Dorothy laughing

    00:25:27 Dorothy appeared and Zeta killed by Dorothy

    00:26:35 Ghost laugh by Zeta? Like Ojou-laugh

    00:28:23 The Result for this case

    00:30:25 This is ZETANISM

    00:31:08 Playing basketball in horror game

    00:34:59 Zeta can hear someone breathing heavily, but it’s turned out her character

    00:37:31 Zeta accidentally drop her candle

    00:40:18 Zeta and Kobo try to calling Sarah

    00:41:38 The temperature shown -1.1 Celcius, Sarah the ghost is here

    00:42:38 No matches? Let’s just burn this house

    00:43:13 Zeta has trust issue with chats

    00:44:59 Finally Sarah wrote something

    00:46:56 Sarah? Want to meet and greet with VTuber?

    00:47:58 Tactic from Kobo, want to makes Zeta as a bait

    00:52:39 Kobo clumsy because she is panic

    00:54:33 Kobo become salesgirl, selling a drink?

    00:55:51 So many video camera? Phasmotuber

    00:56:47 Kobo doing Zeta’s introduction

    00:58:28 Found a cat and Zeta meowing

    01:00:33 Kobo got stuck

    01:03:46 Zeta try to calling Billy and the ghost responded

    01:04:23 Zeta accidentally locked inside the room

    01:11:44 Kobo died, was she got the photo?

    01:13:23 Result for this case. They are wrong to guess it but Kobo got the most highest money?

    01:15:34 Spirit Box explanation from Kaela, and how’s the ghost sound like?

    01:21:06 LPG? Remind them about Pantun in HoloID

    01:25:06 Zeta provoking Carol

    01:28:20 Zeta T-bagging Kobo’s dead body

    01:29:11 Zeta killed by Carol the ghost

    01:30:49 They literally confused at this time

    01:34:46 The ghost hunting Kaela

    01:36:19 Say Hi How are you but to a corpse

    01:36:49 Kaela trying to call Carol and some funny noises

    01:37:42 Carol laughing, the ghost in here

    01:38:42 Kaela and Kobo leave Zeta behind, Zeta didn’t vote?

    01:38:53 The result for Case

    01:41:24 Ollie join the party

    01:42:43 Zeta calling the ghost in lobby

    01:47:22 Zeta : Why my POV always Like this

    01:48:19 Zeta thinks this equipment is like in the torture room

    01:52:27 Kobo ask Zeta to skip the class (Roleplay)

    01:54:06 Although Ollie is Lv 61, she is scared if being alone, and because she had lot of stuff?

    01:55:29 Calling Ruth Norries in different way by Zeta, Kaela and Kobo

    01:58:09 Kaela found EMF 5

    01:58:53 “Ruth Norris Let’s Party”

    01:59:09 How’s Ruth Norris taste like?

    02:01:04 Zeta calling Ruth Norris with Vestia voice

    02:02:58 Calling Ruth Norris but in chaos way

    02:04:56 Someone accidentally mention a brand? Or just HALU?

    02:05:27 This glowstick is a scam

    02:07:55 Ruth is hunting right now

    02:09:18 The ghost is writing something, finally all this thing is useful

    02:10:28 Ollie explanation about Myling Ghost

    02:11:41 Photoshoot time

    02:13:01 The result for case

    02:14:38 Playing Basketball with HoloH3ro

    02:15:38 Zeta found a way to get a better score

    02:17:02 Playing Jenga with HoloH3ro

    02:18:45 Playing ring with HoloH3ro

    02:23:03 Red background for Phasmo

    02:23:32 HoloH3ro usually talk and playing together offstream

    02:26:59 Zeta wants a meme fanart for her thumbnail

    02:27:57 Zeta always happy when got invitation for collab

    02:30:45 Zeta always happy and blessed when she can do anything she loved

    02:31:23 Zeta's wish for HoloH3ro and she really love Kaela and Kobo

    02:35:59 About when Zeta gonna play RUST again

    02:36:27 Zeta actually already invite Kobo to playing RUST together

  8. Makasih HoloH3roes (Kaela, Zeta, Kobo) Kalian selalu kompak. Satu salah tebak, semua ikutan salah, satu nyasar semua ikut nyasar. Seru banget .. 😆 Terimakasih juga Ollie sudah menyempatkan join di match terakhir dan itu sangat² membantu. 👍

  9. OtsuH3roes!! It’s always fun when watching HoloH3ro collab together, the trio amazing combination from H3roes is always make everything become funny and enjoyed to watch it!! I’m so happy and excited when three of you collab together whatever that game is it!! You girls always made my day happy and better with your entertain for us!! And look, even this is horror games, but the H3roes can face this challenge with so easily and grace. Ollie comes to collab? Everything complete, more fun and more special collaboration to made this collab so cool! The ghost is nothing in here

    Thank you Zeta for playing together with HoloH3roes!! I’m glad and grateful that I know you guys always taking care each other, and get a long together as a family in HoloID. Okay, I don’t want to be cringe actually, but after I hear your last segment, let me say this. To be honest and maybe I already said this before, but for me, HoloH3roes is just precious gift for me. You girls are the one who actually made me know about this Vtuber world. And I found all great things here, from togetherness, friendship, entertain, everything. I love HoloID family and HoloH3roes, but for me, Vestia Zeta herself is the one that i admired and loved so much. I am happy to have and known Zeta in my life. It feels amazing to know that someone like you is here by my side, Zeta is a wonderful girl with a kind heart and have a smile that lights up any space we would walk in. Thank you for come to us everyday with a happy smile, even we know that you sometimes get sick and try to endure it. I just hope I can give back all the best things for you one day.

    And also get well soon for your throat Zet, sending lots of of love and hugs your way. Have a good night Zet, all the best things just for Zeta every day. You are my irreplacable treasure


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