【Phasmophobia】 Chilling with Anya and Watame Senpai!…and Some Ghosts?!

Streaming together with @TsunomakiWatame and @AnyaMelfissa !!

★Twitter: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/


Endcard Art by Me!
Endcard Animated by Veranze! (https://twitter.com/Veranze_)

★Original Loading BGM by DOVA-SYNDROME

#TAKOTIME #hololiveEnglish #holoMYTH

【Viewer Rules】

Please read the following rules so everyone can enjoy the stream!

★★I tend to enjoy my games with my own pace, I will ask for chat’s advice if I feel like I need it.★★

1) Be respectful of others in the chat
2) Do not spam excessively, or spam in full caps
3) Don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations by tagging each other in chat
4) Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first
5) Don’t raid other channels or discuss me in other channels unless I am mentioned first
6) If you see anyone breaking the rules above, block , report, and ignore those comments.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy your stay!
AO-chan is always watching…follow the rules if you don’t want to be snapped into the void 😀


【Fan Work Guidelines】


【Official Online Shop】

【Holoschedule】 (Check all members streaming schedules)


【Hololive Production】
・Hololive English YouTube Channel: https://t.co/LcYDgFF9V0?amp=1
・Hololive Production Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololivetv
・Hololive English Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololive_En
・Hololive English Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/


BGM used



28 thoughts on “【Phasmophobia】 Chilling with Anya and Watame Senpai!…and Some Ghosts?!”

  1. Ina sama there is a conflict with nether portals so I suggest this:
    0.- Edit: Kronii first have to remove portal on overworld near Gura trident farm. I think older portal previous merge are safe.
    1- Tell Kronii remove the 2 portals on nether and wait into nether.
    2. Remove netheroni portal on overworld and enter to the portal next your house. Remove it from nether side and wait there.
    3. Tell kiara remove the 2 portals she made next mesa road. Now she have to setup definitive portal for en server. I suggest it on the museum on the top.
    4. Once kiara is inside try kronii and you join her and make the new nether base.
    5. Remove the last portal left at mesa road. Kiara have to flight to mesa to setup the overworld portal at mesa.

    It would fix all the portals, contact the admin if it keeps glitching https://youtu.be/7TNX6qBc4rU?t=10670 (IRyS POV)


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