【Donasi lokal】Traktir yang pahit-pahit kini sangat EZGGWP!~
Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kaelakovalskia/tribe
#Kaelaif #KaelaKovalskia #holoID
This game is being streamed and monetized after confirmation with Kinetic Games.
Game URL: https://store.steampowered.com/app/739630/Phasmophobia/
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Thank you for the fun today good luck with you work and stay safe
Thanks for the stream and okay, that voodoo doll is rude.
Thanks for the stream
Thanks for the stream la
semangat ngerjain pr nya, gak sabar nih buat 6/9
org gila.. wkwk
thank you for the game and the stream ela
Terima kasih banya elaaa buat stream nya, weee mantab ternyata mudah ya challenge kali ini
Dikit lagi 1000 juga nih mantab. Moga bisa dapet deh
Semangat buat pr dan persiapan nya. Sampai jumpa lagi di kesempatan berikutnya
Eeeee Diablo doko ?
04:19 Already uninstalled the battlenet but not the diablo
06:48 Ga cuman challenge mode
08:51 After 9th of June we gaming hard
09:54 Challenge mode try 1
17:10 All the video camera didn't even help
19:01 Tergantung izin kalo soal mau maen game
21:05 Giving nelly (ghost) choices
22:03 Nelly you'll be in trouble fr fr
23:47 Hide n Seek
25:45 Challenge mode 1/3
26:18 Skia is not rill
28:23 Challenge mode try 2
32:36 Ambil luck ghost kalo gitu (teriak Cure you)
33:15 K: Ted Bailey are you here? also K: Yes i'm here (cute TSKR)
38:46 You better talk ted bailey
39:00 Thank you, YEAH!
41:20 Challenge mode 2/3
42:01 Mchan aku ga mau ngerjain pr, pengen kerja joki phasmo
42:30 Challenge mode try 3
43:50 Nice looking activity
48:42 She think she's starting to Halu
51:39 If only have smudge stick, i will do the hunting
59:49 Udah cape2 mau foto, di hunt mati lngsung
1:00:26 Spam spirit box to hunt
1:01:26 Challenge mode 3/3
1:03:45 Play with Kaeluarga
1:07:10 Game 1 : Doostin, Holobaby, Heheheha
1:08:25 Huhahuha give PTSD fanmeet
1:09:29 Someone using monkey paw
1:13:35 Asking Doostin to fight
1:19:56 Ela "working" so hard
1:22:36 Game 2: Naga, Leotan
1:23:27 Spam mute on Leotan
1:25:01 Emang ada aturan ga bisa lewat sini?
1:27:53 HOREEEEE (leotan ded)
1:32:00 Ela ded
1:32:18 Selamat datang2, Bubar bubar
1:32:52 Oi naga Oni
1:33:24 Kalo ga oni aku ga membership bulan depan
1:35:14 Game 3: Quarttro, Joefu, Kacang Beruntung
1:38:14 Bukan ga ada membership stream gaes
1:44:57 Ded for fun
1:46:46 Game 4: Hashiren
1:47:26 Titip salam buat istrinya
1:48:23 Istri Debut wow
1:49:19 Kalo misal suami ny halu di marah aja
1:50:14 Makasih istrinya hashiren memperbolehkan suami ny nonton anime
1:51:05 Emang istri bukan pemaloe kah?
1:55:22 Christoper it's freezing here let's talk
1:58:33 Is ckia rill? K: No
1:58:47 Bang mending ke mobil bang
2:07:19 Game 4: Zephyrus
2:07:56 All crash?
2:08:55 5 menit dapat ghost minta ckia
2:09:49 Play voodo doll
2:10:31 o7 zephyrus
2:11:26 The ghost stop in front of kaela
2:11:40 Ela take that guy luck
2:13:30 Game 5: Zephyrus, Damndroid
2:14:26 Very rud shade 1 min hunting
2:18:56 Kalo pake spirit box lampu hidup
2:23:14 Game 7: NND, Fek Kaela
2:23:49 Abis menang undian
2:27:41 Double GSH
2:31:41 Bang jangan nangis bang
2:35:09 Kalo ga mau timpuk ini ni
2:36:11 Game 6: Maskawaih, Asche, Ilhamgud
2:36:55 My Hand! Tangan ku ketinggalan di kamera
2:43:30 Tau dari mana dari tarot
2:45:12 Kerjaan ilham ni pasti, kalo ga maskawaih. Kalian lg di discord
2:50:36 Bombastik ny sebombastik gimana dlu?
2:52:42 Game 7: Naga, Wildn, Behosu
3:01:07 Game 8: Dohip
3:04:25 Ngomong apa bang?
3:08:38 Game 9: Pewcha, Kacang beruntung, Andew Swallie
3:13:19 Deng deng deng deng (wiggle wiggle cute)
3:16:05 Game 10: Owlcean, World Rejecter, Damndroid
3:17:40 Play music box
3:19:02 NO ONE DIED ? but suddenly hunting
3:21:17 It's gonna be yurei 100%
3:21:33 No one died ???? why ???
3:22:38 Smurfing so much
3:23:18 Game 11: Zeghtchan, Vigilantzhen, Silvercat
3:25:35 Pemaloe really become pro player phasmo
3:26:35 Both emf is beeping
3:32:11 Twins one is warmer, one is cooler
3:35:30 Really hard to get emf one
3:35:55 Kita liat aja ni ya, 3 2 1 ada yg teriak
3:38:20 Just staring people hunted from outside
3:39:05 I never sacrificed people, they sacrifice themselves
3:40:22 I'll be vlogging them
3:45:06 Ela ded, A moment of Silence
3:47:29 Game 12: Pansy, Yamabro, Xynoz
3:47:54 READYYYY
3:48:50 Who wants to die first?
3:49:25 It's hunting curse object
4:01:17 Checking player statistics
4:01:45 The deaths 169
4:03:22 Finally after someone died
4:04:30 Game 13: Zeghtchan, Reyded, Leotan
4:06:40 Playing with voodoo doll
4:12:20 It's 100% Phantom, Kalo salah salahin photonya
4:13:28 We can catchup (lvl 1000)
4:14:00 Need to go back to work
4:14:19 Tomorrow afternoon collab with Kronii (10 AM WIB – Raft)
4:16:24 2 option of games, but at the end pick raft
4:17:12 Ela didn't ask Kronii yet what her goal playing raft
4:18:11 Try to call her Kronii only, but the senpai is auto
4:18:48 Tomorrow i'll just go fishing
4:19:15 We will both fishing
4:21:02 Wonder if the bruce can eat all the planks or not?
4:22:07 Difficulty ask Kronii tomorrow
4:23:15 Multiple of bruce is nice
4:24:07 Total hours play raft: 214, Phasmo: 177
4:25:09 Belom tau besok berapa stream
4:26:09 Haven't finish group homework coz of 9th of June and her birthday
4:27:39 Kinda really want to finish 9th of June homework faster. Later you know why
4:28:47 Gonna buy ready made for overlay
4:30:03 She will look at the asset that was made that she think can use
4:30:43 She will draw the asset by herself
4:31:36 Really adore Korone and Nene stream asset
4:33:07 She posted the drawing that Anya and her make
4:34:36 Cerita" di membership
4:37:30 You can ask all about the anniv at the post-talk
4:39:47 Mchan also ask her a lot about the anniv stream
4:40:29 Tadi siang mchan masih nanya soal anniv
4:42:56 8th of June, she will be stream once and after that upload Anniv waiting room
4:44:52 Cuti kerja buat liat Kaelegskia. Oooppss
4:47:57 Ckia is not rill
4:49:41 Otsulemao
4:49:57 Tuturu tutu. WAH~ SE
Credit tags also to: Satria RP, Naga
Thanks for the stream
Thanks For The Stream Kaela
Bye Bye Kaela
Thank You Kaela
Otsu Chat
Wiiihh seru sekali