I hope the ghosts are bilingual…
🐍 Ririsya Music 🐍
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⊹ Be rootin’, be tootin’ and most of all, be a kind cowboy 🙂
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⊹ 2D Artist → Hayamafair https://twitter.com/hayamafair
⊹ Live2D Animator → Brian Tsui https://www.ironvertex.com/about/brian
Thanks for the fun collab stream Bao! You all tried your best and had a lot of fun! You’re streams are always so nice. They brighten my day 😌☀️
It was really fun listening to your japanese. I am also trying to learn japanese too but I suck.
Thank you for this delightfully heartwarming collab stream, Bao! Watching you and Ririsya play Phasmophobia together was a lot of fun! Every mission felt immersively suspenseful as the ghosts raised the stakes with their spooky scares! On top of that, the amiably wholesome interactions between you two were adorable! Both of you did well communicating with each other in spite of the language barrier! It was very thoughtful of you to speak at a comfortable pace for Ririsya to follow and the Japanese you additionally incorporated was exceptional! We also give our thanks to Peej for her gracious assistance during the second half!
In satisfactory conclusion, it makes us happy to know that both of you had a good time too! With a newfound bond forged between you two, we hope to see it grow with future collabs! Btw, it was my first time here and it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I’ll be glad to support you! 🐳❤️
I'm single 😥😥😥😥😥
Awww, just missed it 🙁
Low-key wanting for this callab, both singers are amazing, cute, and fun to watch in your own way respectably. Ririsya calm and bao chaos, always a good combo, Thank you bao 😌
Ohhhhhh! It's 3hr stream it's 3hr, and I missed it… 2021 RIP
Joseph really has it out for the whale lol
Bruh I’m an entire day late to this, I’m never forgiving YouTube
I hate that I keep missing these streams!
Best of luck in 2021
Video original kokonorashi where
Stream properly starts at 1:54
Goddamn, it's almost weird to hear a vtuber that isn't either bilingual/multilingual or trying to be such
Can't wait for the next stream 😊
i just found ur channel cause off the buble gum k.k
Are you part of hololive too?
Miss your streams, Bao 💜. Hope you are feeling okay, and that classes aren’t bogging you down too much. Remember we wuv you, and appreciate everything you do
Looking forward to your return, bao!
baochi ! yoroshiku nee~~ watashi wa hololive indonesia kurasumenbaa wa kara kimata da yo~~ atarashi menbaa da yo~ watashi wa nihon ii kanji desu yo. watashi wa eigo ni baka😅. otsukare to ganbaree~~ anata wa ichiban no watashi no VTuber. doushiyou anata wa iedewa no ka na?
Baochi ! Please take care of me~~ i am from hololive indonesia and i am a classmember~ i am a new member~~ i am a japan, but i am stupid in english😅. do your best and goodluck~! you are my number one VTuber. what can i do without you?
hope classes and your professors are treating you well, take you time
i’m really proud of myself for understanding a lot of what your saying in japanese cause i’m really trying my hardest to learn haha!
Why you dont make video anymore??I miss you
where's bao been? hopefully our whale is okay! there's a gen 2 starting soon for hololive en, im gonna manifest whale energy towards that
Hey Bao, how r u? Valentine's Day is near & games like Monster Prom & Monster Camp (Monster Prom's sequel) r just the kinda games that r meant to be played during this time of the year. Its a 4 player coop mode, so bring any1 u know 2 play these games. Have fun! 😀
Damn, I didn’t know you become a VTuber Hikaru!
I was looking for your old songs for nostalgia and it turns out it’s you lol!
It’s been a while and I’m glad to make it back~
The discord link is not working for me, is it still out there somewhere?
Awesome stream Bao, hope you are doing well and alive. Come back if you feel like you can.
I just found your channel cause of Bubble gum Kk.. I really love your channel and you save me from depression. if I didn't found one of your music I'm not here today.. I really thank you a lot.. I wish you will get popular.
Why is the discord link not working?
I need more of this