Hello friendos, let’s play some Phasmophobia. Today’s video is episode 18 of the “You Decide” series where we play on 0 sanity and 0 evidence, I do all the tests necessary to figure out the ghost but YOU decide the ghost type. Enjoy!
YOU Decide Series:
All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:
0 Evidence Guide:
Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:
My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:
Connect with me here:
#phasmophobia #maggstor
I love your content! You really teached me how to play phasmophobia, thanks!!!
personally would love the one hunt thing as an occasional thing like if you do three you decides a week then a one hunt a week would be a good balance. but thats just me. either way i love the you decide vids and keep up the great work
i loveeeeeeeeeeee
Now imagine 0 sanity 0 evidence 0 equipment
I also said banshee for that last one hunt… I'm upset
Hi Maggie, i think one hunt idea is really good. But sometimes it may be hard to get ghosts that can be identified in only one hunt since it's all rng. So rather than "one hunt" or "full test run" i think you should just casually play. Sometimes when the ghost is super obvious like deo, you leave right away because it's too easy to identify. but sometmes you stay for another round when the ghost is something like jinn which can be mistaken with raiju and then you do stuff like putting dots to test raiju/giving LOS for jinn test to make it easy to identify. What i think would be best is: You just play casual 0 sanity 0 evidence, if the ghost can be identified with 1 hunt, just leave right away with just checking orbs (or you can just risk mimic and if the ghost is mimic you can tell us which ghost it was mimicking, so if the ghost was mimicking revenant and we say revenant and turned out to be mimic, you can just tell us it was revenant so whoever said revenant was also right) and leave without doing any other hunt test (tests that you do during hunt to help people to understand if the ghost is jinn or raiju / moroi or thaye or hantu / hantu or twins / hantu or deo) and if the ghost can't be identified with 1 hunt, then you should do tests that needed to identify the ghost like banshee/onryo/demon/spirit etc.
Sorry if this comment was hard to understand i'm not very good at english.
Also thank you for your awesome content 🥰
hello maggstor how are you i am not fine i am having cold and fever But I will never stop watching your videos and streams
by the way The New Development Preview is Here About The New Freezing
I guessed Banshee on that Shade too, unfortunate
that small gasp when you realized its your favorite ghost lol
I'm a new subscriber and I enjoyed the video and I can't wait for more videos
i think the one hunt games in the beginning is good! it was all fun! just feel bad you have to go through some unidentifiable ghosts
I feel like im back in college with how fast the professor and other students are and then theres lil old me 😅
Hi everyone maggstor opening YouTube coming to up camera readying having not game
the tiny celebratory obake gasp at 9:08 LOL
Hi Maggie, I love the one hunt concept as well because we get to study the ghosts by their speed and visuals 😃👌❤️
This is a very big series, already with 18 episodes
And Fantastic name🎉
BTW full support❤❤❤
Shades are indeed broken. Sitting in a basement with 2 crucifix and he tried to hunt and I got -3.37x….
I loved the format of this video like the one hunt you decide then regular you decide… also i would LOVE 3 “you decide” videos per week haha
more longer changes of banshee also 15 times you decide :00000
That shade wtf
Bruh for the second Yokai I was like "she already showed us yokai so it can't be yokai again" so I was so stumped madge!!!!
i love this one hunt mode <3
Hey! Your content is amazing and so helpful. When the survival of the fittest weekly challenge came out I have never done 0 evidence (let alone 0 sanity with that) before. I came across your channel and studied your videos for days lol and then managed to complete that weekly challenge all on my own because of what I learnt from you. The 1 hunt format along with the usual you decide is awesome but either is great too 😀
This was a really fun video. Didn't get the Shade (obviously) and mistook the Raiju for a Jinn, but otherwise got the rest right! Woot! I've never known more about a game I myself cannot play XD
Congratulations, you found the ghost to be a Revenant! Now all you have to do is… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I prefer a mixture of both the one hunts and the classic.
Also, I am curious. How many mimics did u get while recording the one hunts?
very helpfull for learning the ghosts. Thankyou! i'm always too scared of hunts 😀
I enjoy the one hunt.
I loved the one hunts! It's definitely a challenge. Maybe a spin off series in the making? I loved it! Thank you so much!
Maggie: oh this is a super obvious ghost
Me: guesses completely wrong