19 Phasmophobia w NightCove (Terrifying NEW UPDATE)

Words can’t describe it. Unless that word is Terrifying. Grab your binkies and your pookies. You are gonna want support for this episode!
Check out New FNAF MUSIC: https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/goatmommusicandnightcovethefox/shut-it-down
more videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr8oWjONDe0ClE6ZaUl5RzA/videos

Contact me GoatMom:





discord goatmom official # 7886

You Tube community tab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr8oWjONDe0ClE6ZaUl5RzA/community

Special thanks to NightCove_theFox

Special thanks to Aza

Go subscribe to them, they are amazing!


11 thoughts on “19 Phasmophobia w NightCove (Terrifying NEW UPDATE)”

  1. Woah update pog!!
    I'm getting this game so lmk if you need a 4th ghost hunter! I love games like Phasma 😝😝
    Not sure how i would get the code, maybe through Insta like the contest was? Idk but I would rlly love to play with you guys, it seems like so much fun and I always miss out bc of my lack of Discord 😢

  2. I love Phas but oh my goooddddd. The screams that I make when I play. The amount of times I've just sat in a closet and sat wide eyed from FEAR is immeasurable. That was terrifying on several levels.


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