3/18/2021 – Phasmophobia with Skizzleman & Tango using Heart Rate Monitors! (Stream Replay)

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/impulsesv

New Merch Store: https://streamlabs.com/impulseSV/#/merch

Consider subscribing to the “Imp And Skizz” Channel!


30 thoughts on “3/18/2021 – Phasmophobia with Skizzleman & Tango using Heart Rate Monitors! (Stream Replay)”

  1. I totally missed the live stream!

    You know what? ……. I very often re-watch y'all's streams at night while going to sleep (multiple times haha). The interaction between friends is SO AWESOME to just listen to and enjoy 😀

  2. Watched this last night before bed and it was hilarious. I hope you guys continue these for awhile. Highlight of the night was when skizz was talking about the ghost picking up the coffee cup and it being hot. Too funny.

  3. Lol, Skizz was right to be scared of the ball rolling. One time I took a picture of a ball rolling in that house and the journal said it was a dead body. I was playing solo and it freaked me out!

  4. Remember to look at the floor plan above the Sanity Monitor. If your buddies are locked inside you can track their movements if they are still alive. You guys are hilarious to watch interact XD

  5. I know this isn't among us, but most recent video, the new airship map comes end of March.. anyone else excited?

    Also, I'm so happy you are playing again, I haven't watched yet, gonna go make some ramen and kick back and see what y'all do


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