Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
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Consider subscribing to the “Imp And Skizz” Channel!
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
New Merch Store:
Consider subscribing to the “Imp And Skizz” Channel!
I totally missed the live stream!
You know what? ……. I very often re-watch y'all's streams at night while going to sleep (multiple times haha). The interaction between friends is SO AWESOME to just listen to and enjoy 😀
Nice! Cant wait to watch this after work. The last one was pure hilarity start to finish. X
Also… 17:20 "Spooky Blue's Clues"!
I've been waiting for this! Waiting for more!!
Watched this last night before bed and it was hilarious. I hope you guys continue these for awhile. Highlight of the night was when skizz was talking about the ghost picking up the coffee cup and it being hot. Too funny.
Love these videos! Lol
The first stream was so funny glad to see you guys do more 👍🏻
You guys should try to just buy millons of cams… that will be interesting but boring lel
Lol, Skizz was right to be scared of the ball rolling. One time I took a picture of a ball rolling in that house and the journal said it was a dead body. I was playing solo and it freaked me out!
43:22 😮 Grudgey sounds
43:42 lol
53:44 u see dat meat cleaver?
Skizz is coward
I imagine the driver of the van is Zedaph
Convince grian, bdubs, scar or etho to play as your fourth for asylum and prison one night?
Not even 5 seconds in….this is me in the spotlight…
I kinda hate how tango and skiz aren't listening to impulse at all….. they just talk over him
Skizz kills me did you just light a ……
head to the bathroom, ask where are you, get "BEHIND" as a response….yep its the butt ghost
We need more of these videos, they are hilarious! Keep it up guys.
Oh man– that was terrifying, but good on you for hiding!! I'm sure you would have been VERY dead otherwise–
My name's James Whitely. I was so close to haunting your buns
Was anyone else let down that Impulse didn’t ask, “What’s the frequency Kenneth”?
Sorry, REM reference.
I wonder what do other Christians think about the crucifix functionality 🤔 For me it's kinda funny, but I'm interested in other people's perspectives
I love how you guys just shout the ghosts name so it hunts you – bravery and stupidity go hand in hand
This new series is great! Skizz freaks out so well! I'm looking forward to more episodes of this.
I think the time limit is to setup the cameras books etc the ghosts should start interacting after the time limit
Remember to look at the floor plan above the Sanity Monitor. If your buddies are locked inside you can track their movements if they are still alive. You guys are hilarious to watch interact XD
I know this isn't among us, but most recent video, the new airship map comes end of March.. anyone else excited?
Also, I'm so happy you are playing again, I haven't watched yet, gonna go make some ramen and kick back and see what y'all do
You use the crucifix during a hunt when your being hunted you throw it and it stops the hunt
Hilarious fun watching you guys, saw the live stream and had to re-watch it