3 HUNTS to figure out the GHOST…

In this Phasmophobia series you have to figure out the ghost on your own completely based on behavior. Do you have what it takes to complete this?

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43 thoughts on “3 HUNTS to figure out the GHOST…”

  1. So my locked in guess was Moroi and what made me stick with that was that I expected the ghost to be slower when you did the "confirmation" hunt with the lights on in the hallway. Seeing it be as fast as it was made me think "Oh yeah that has to be a Moroi" but it turns out I was incorrect lol. I forgot just how fast Moroi's actually get and when going back to rewatch the "lights on" hunt in the hallway I now can notice what you said, it was fast, yes, but it stayed a constant speed the entire stretch of the hallway. Well played!! This is always so much fun, especially when I feel every video I walk away with more and more knowledge, I love it!

  2. I was very confused at the beginning, I underestimated the Hantus Ghost Speed during a disabled breaker a LOT 😂 but at the end there was simply no other choice and mimic would be kinda rediculous at that point 😂

  3. So nice of you to avoid OP/invincible spots in High School haha. After Asylum, I hope the Devs re-haul High School before making another big map. Also that very first hunt was very clear to identify this ghost, but you did well to stay a lil longer, could have been that sneaky Mimic. 😛

  4. I guessed Hantu, when I saw u hide in room and it was freezing and u did the finger rhymes so I went with Hantu, and the last hunt it did not sped up when it saw u, so that ruled out Moroi for me. My final guess was Hantu.

    Thank u Psycho! Love those videos.

  5. Putting my guess in at 6:43 into the video. I am almost completely certain it is a moroi. It is a speed demon all over the map, and while that also made me consider hantu, I ruled it out because it was fast in areas that weren't freezing. The breaker was still off so places were cold, but to my knowledge it's only fast in actual freezing temperatures. The moroi, however, would be wicked fast anywhere on the map because of your complete lack of sanity (both in game and out lol). I did also kinda consider Twins because of them starting the hunt seemingly outside the ghost room once or twice, but I've also had just about every other ghost do that and didn't hear double interactions.

    Post reveal: I guess I need to relearn Hantu a little bit. I had thought it was fast only in true freezing temperatures, not just cold. I did start to second guess myself a bit on the last hunt when it locked onto you again faster than a moroi would. But I figured it may have just been doing the unfortunate and "passively wandering" in your same direction while still smudged. Either way, I lose again but good game. I love these videos always giving me more and more practice on learning the ghosts for both zero evidence runs and nightmare mode. Keep up the awesome work, Psycho! <3

  6. Pro Tip: When in Snowy weather, the default temp is a lot lower than normal, meaning the Hantu can be fast instantly upon opening the door and starting a hunt. Not to mention the breaker also takes longer to warm up the rooms.

  7. I got to 9:00 time stamp, last chance to make our choices… hmm… I thought it might have been a Hantu because the breaker was off and it was speedy, but then the breaker did get turned on and it was still speedy, so either the school takes forever to heat up or it was a Moroi,… but if it was that it should have been super sonic because your sanity was tanked from listening to the whole music box song…. my choice is Hantu, final answer. Hantu… but I won't be sad if it was a Moroi

  8. First hunt had me guessing moroi, hantu, or mimic based on freezing and your speed indicator. Each hunt seemed to be relatively slow for moroi after that but they were also consistent so i locked in hantu.

  9. My Guess: Hantu
    Ruled Out: Revenant, The Twins, Deogen, Thaye, Moroi
    I really liked this one.

    I thought it could be a Hantu or a Moroi until I saw in the hunt that it didn't accelerate. I am glad you stayed for the final test. I woulda still put Hantu but I couldn't be fully sure until the speed test. When it came to you at a moderate speed, I knew it couldn't be a Moroi because, like you said, Moroi would be faster than a Rev and that was considerably slower. I look forward to the next challenge.

  10. I was pretty certain this ghost was a jinn after the First hunt till I recognized "oh the breaker's turned off" xD After that englightenment it was fairly apparent I think. I really enjoy this video format however, it is very entertaining to watch! 👍

  11. There is a current bug with Hantu on some maps, including highschool which is the most obvious, in highschool the hantu is moving at max speed with sometime its freezing breath in ANY corridor (20° degree corridors, no snow weather, breaker on) and it slows down to its lowest speed only when entering a classroom or whatever, this also happened for me on prison and bleasdale, for example on bleasdale hallway he would start super fast at 20°, then goes to the attic, still fast, then when he goes back to the hallway, becomes super slow (1,4m/s), in all those cases, I checked the temperature multiple times, did you notice this unexpected behavior?

  12. Oh boy! I love these videos on large maps! I think it would be fun to do an upside-down mission one day, but I am too scared to try it for myself. lol.
    Thoughts on the ghost type:
    – Woot, it's freezing!!
    – Also, so far it seems to be a fast ghost. Since you're at 0 sanity, is this not just a Moroi? I guess it could also be a Hantu with that speed since it should be cold throughout the school.
    – Do ghosts usually start hunts outside of their ghost room?
    – I think it's changing speed based on room temp and not line of sight/sanity so I think this is a Hantu.

  13. spoilers!
    i narrowed it down to either moroi or hantu since theyre the only fast ghosts with freezing, and since you turned the breaker on and it was still fast, im obligated to think this is a moroi

    edit: i was wrong and that explanation blew my mind🤯🤯🤯 oh well, learned something new today!

  14. Initial thoughts, moroi, thaye, hantu due to speed. freezing knocked out thaye. down to moroi and hantu, then once you turned on the breaker and the noticeable drop in speed confirmed hantu. i was pretty well set on moroi but that breaker on hunt slowed it down a decent bit and i knew LoS moroi is nuts.

  15. Along with probably everyone else, my guess was on thaye or moroi. But when I saw how it slowed down a bit when the breaker was on, I immediately knew it was a hantu. I had just watched Insym’s challenge wheel video where he had a hantu in snow, I wouldn’t have gotten it without that prior experience

  16. I think it’s a Hantu because it feels like it got slower when he turned on the breaker and it didn’t speed up in line of sight the ghost didn’t speed up so I knew it was a hantu and it was also a lot faster in the beginning because the maps are cold at the start and since he listened to the music box the full song he would be 20 sanity I don’t think that’s fast enough for a 20 sanity moroi and moroi also does speed up in line of sight

  17. Yeah I pretty much figured this guy out with the first hunt. One of the easiest fast ghosts to figure out!

    When it first started the hunt it was normal speed, then suddenly it was insanely fast without line of sight. Hantu is pretty much the only ghost that would do that. Not sure how it was "normal" speed before the breaker was turned on, but those first steps were definitely normal speed.
    Moroi speed based on sanity is "locked in" at the start of the hunt, though they speed up on line of sight.

    Second hunt helped me confirm not a Mimic. As risky as fast ghosts are, they are easier to identify than others with more subtle quirks!


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