Hey friendos, let’s play some Phasmophobia. In today’s video, we try out this week’s challenge: Tag! You’re it! Enjoy!
All Ghost Hidden Abilities Explained:
0 Evidence Guide:
Ghost Hidden Abilities Cheat Sheet:
My 0 Sanity 0 Evidence Settings:
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#phasmophobia #maggstor
your voice is so calming it always amazes me how you can stay calm, id be freaking out just walking down the halls honestly XD
Good stuff.
Thanks to your no evidence hunts I could find the ghost type pretty easily since the ghost hunted so fast
I really enjoyed this challenge, even though I hate high school. I may try and play on it more now. You do get all 3 pieces of evidence btw, they just like to take their time 🙂
you got so lucky with these ghosts types, first a rev then a deo?
Yo when the onlyfans tho ?
A normally daunting challenge
Turned into an easy ride
All because I chose to watch
A series called You Decide
Great content and thanks as always
A Moroi did all 3 of its evidences for me, so it is actually a 3-evidence setting. I did have a Poltergeist also refuse to walk through DOTS, though. Take of that what you will.
you should do a you decide but with the weekly challenge!
I got Rev and Deo too lmao
School is spooky sure, but you make it look easy xD
I may be only 1K+ But I bet if we do a No sanity run together You'd help me survive. You are one Of the best phasmo players I've seen so far and I love watching your videos 😀
I loved playing this challenge. This gave me an opportunity to learn brownstone better and get better at finding hiding and looping spots. Made for yet another great Maggstor video, as always!! Keep up the great content
your videos help me relax <3 would die for those weekly challanges! thx for the video i hope you keep doing what you do
This week was so easy me and my friend finished all three rounds under 20 minutes with hunts only
18:22 the cough or sneeze or whatever it was scared me more than everything else in this video 😭
I think the smudge timers are changed in this challenge mode. I played this with my friends last night and we guessed Demon and it turned out to actually be a Raiju.. But in our defense, when I smudged and timed the ghost we got 50 seconds before it hunted us again, which, in retrospect, is way too early even for a demon. So yeah, just to let everyone know, the smudge timer settings must've been changed or something.
Hey can you maybe do a guide on how you got the speedrun timer? Cause every video i see of a tutorial it doesn't work
This week's challenge was pretty fun, to bad all 3 ghosts were Onryos. 😄
There are 3 pieces of evidence btw
It’s 3 evidence. Got all three every time
I always look forward to your videos!!!
Can the ghost get you when you are around the outside of the high school?